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The whole morning I was laying down from that hangover. Kakashi made me some tea and gave me a pill to help with the headache and my back

 I had a sore back from whatever we did last night...

'' Kakashi you don't have to baby me...I'll get over it '' I groaned trying to get up '' Nu-uh lay your butt down, this is your first hangover you're body isn't used to it ''  Kakashi pushed me down lightly on the bed.

''But Kakashi ''I whined '' No whining '' Kakashi said poking my nose kissing it.

I huffed as he left the room to make lunch.

I got up and walked to the dresser and looked around in it.

And my heaven I haven't seen this for so long!

To my own surprise, I found my old f/c headphones! '' Wow...It's still here...'' I said. I thought for a moment the day I got my headphones.

' Of all the people in the world who have a childhood that was worse...They chose me...to have a fresh start...' I thought and smiled softly.

My eye started to water up and soon began crying...

'' I-I'm so sorry dad...Mom...'' I said as my knees began getting weak.

I fell the ground onto my knees hugging myself lightly with my headphones in my hand. And closed my eye tightly crying.

' Yet strangely...I feel more at home at this place ' I thought.

The noise of the door opening made me loosen my grip on my headphones a little '' Y/n what's wrong? '' Kakashi asked setting the lunch on a table and sitting in front of me.

I opened my eye and looked at him '' Do you ever regret loving me? '' I asked placing the headphones of the ground.

Kakashi's eye widened '' No! I don't regret it '' Kakashi said pulling me into a hug '' You the highlight of my day Y/n...You bring me something I've haven't felt in such a long time '' Kakashi said.

I looked up at Kakashi and smiled '' Out of everyone on in my world or yours you choose me...I'm forever in your heart '' I said hugging him back.

'' Well, you kinda cut through my heart and healed it. So you're stuck with me anyways '' Kakashi said with a cute chuckle.

I sighed in relief and calmed down '' If I can ask where did you get your headphones anyways? '' Kakashi asked picking them up.

'' my mother gave them for my birthday before she left my father '' I said looking at them.

'' It was the last thing I could remember her by '' I claimed.

Knock Knock Knock 

We both got up off the ground as Kakashi walked out of the room to go get there door. I sighed in annoyance a got dressed into shorts and a tank top with a jacket tied around my waist.

I brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face and stretched.

I tied my hair in a ponytail and walked out of the bedroom.

I went to the living room and then to where Kakashi was '' Oh perfect timing Y/n! '' Kakashi said with a smile behind his mask.

'' huh? '' I looked to see Naruto '' Hey Y/n! I was wondering if you wanted to go get ramen! We haven't been able to hang out lately '' Naruto said with a thumbs up.

I smiled and nodded '' Sure '' I said '' I'll be back later Kakashi '' I said as Naruto walked out the door. I ran to Kakashi quickly giving him a kiss on his forehead and left.

Away from home?! ( Kakashi x reader )Where stories live. Discover now