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I woke up on the couch in the morning from the smell of...PANCAKES?! 

I moved a little but sadly fell right off the couch landing on my face. I groaned and got up rubbing my nose. My eyes light up when I saw Kakashi cooking pancakes.

I ran beside Kakashi but I don't think he noticed me '' Kakashi your good at cooking! '' I said excitedly looking at the pancakes.

I felt him jump a bit and then look at me '' Oh good morning Y/n and thank you '' Kakashi said and smiled.

' Damn his smile is cute ' I thought spacing out. I snapped out of my daydreaming when I heard '' Here's a plate '' Kakashi said passing me a plate of pancakes.

'' Thank you! '' I said in a happy tone and ran to the table sitting down.

We started to eat until...I realized I wasn't in my ninja clothes...

My face turned red '' K-Kakashi...'' I stuttered '' Hmm? '' He respawned pulling back up his mask.

'' What happened to my clothes? '' I said

I could see Kakashi blush a bit '' I got you into PJ's...'' Kakashi said looking away

'' D-Did you see anything? '' I stuttered.

'' N-No! I promise! '' He said flustered.

'' B-Baka...'' I said quietly. We continued to eat until we finished '' I'm gonna go take a shower Y/n okay? '' Kakashi said getting up and putting the dishes in the sink.

I nodded and smiled evilly.

As he got in the bathroom I immediately got up and hid his pervy book and ran back to finish my breakfast.

To be honest the reason I did that wasn't to bug him I wanted to...

read it later...Haha...Curse you Kakashi you pervy Sensei

' Perhaps I can get a copy ' I thought but snapped out of it when Kakashi walked into the room.

I can tell he started to look for his book everywhere.

'' Hey Y/n do you know where my book is? '' Kakashi asked scratching his head '' No have you checked in your room? '' I asked trying not to laugh

Kakashi went and looked for it in his room as I ran and got dressed and hid the book in my pockets.

'' Kakashi come on! just find it later! we need to get the others before it's too late! '' I yelled getting my shoes on '' Fine '' Kakashi sighed in defeat.

We walked out of the apartment and started to head to the training grounds to help with my Jutsu's.

I still wonder if I'll ever go back to my old home...I don't miss it it's mineless there for me.

I thought of Kakashi and the others...They actually like me not like my home.

'' Alright Y/n today we will be trying to learn your L/n clan abilities okay?  Yesterday I was reading about the L/n in the Libary. '' Kakashi said '' Were you studying or reading your pervy book '' I chuckled.

'' Whatever, now let's start okay? It sais there are many triggers to activate your clan's abilities '' Kakashi said.

'' Okay, so what are they? '' I asked '' One is an emotional trigger and another is where your indanger and your abilities automatedly activate '' Kakashi explained 

'' Alright so what now '' I said scratching the back of my head '' Well we're gonna start with the first opinion emotional it could be a bad one or a good one. '' Kakashi said.

Away from home?! ( Kakashi x reader )Where stories live. Discover now