10 | Get My Sister

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"I can't believe you need a second opinion," Lexi mutters as she steps out of the large van. Klaus and Stefan settle next to her, only the hybrid looking pleased. "I told you, I need Rebekah."

"And I told you," Klaus says, mocking her annoyed tone. "I want a second opinion."

Lexi crosses her arms before she pushes into the small bar. The familiar stale scent of whiskey sends a calm through her body as she lets her eyes fall closed. "I haven't been to Chicago in ages," she says as the boys file in after her.

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asks of the young vampire as the door shuts behind them. As Lexi heads towards the fully stocked bar, the men lean against the rickety old railing.

"I can't believe this place is still here," Stefan says in awe as memories flood his mind.

Lexi turns as a door opens; a middle-aged woman walks out but Lexi can tell she is much older. "You've got to be kidding me," the woman says.

Klaus smirks. "So, a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender—"

"Stop." The woman holds up a hand. Lexi quirks an eyebrow at Klaus' lack of rage-filled response. "You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." She pauses as Stefan meets her gaze. "I remember you."

"Yeah," Stefan drawls. "You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be—"

"Old and dead?" She chuckles. "Now, if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?"

"Gloria is a very powerful witch," Klaus explains.

Lexi eyes the old witch with a hint of curiosity as she pours herself a drink. "Let me guess," she says. "Herbs and spells? It will catch up to you one day."

"Well, I know that," Gloria replies. "What do you think you're doing behind my bar?"

"Pouring myself a drink?" Lexi says, holding up her glass.

"Who do you think you are?" Gloria demands, placing her hands on her hips.

"Gloria, this is Lexi. My little sister," Klaus says with a proud smile.

Gloria relaxes as she waves a hand. "So, you're the one Klaus could not shut up about? It's gotta be bad for him to come to me instead of you."

With a sigh, Lexi shrugs. "Nik has decided not to trust me anymore. Paranoia."

Gloria chuckles. "Of course, it is."

As Lexi sips her drink, she asks, "Anyone want something while I'm here?" After a look from Klaus, Stefan jogs down to the bar. Lexi hands him two glasses before asking, "Anything specific?"

He shakes his head; Lexi grabs a few different drinks, combining them into a mixer. Grasping both ends of the metal contraption, she shakes, flipping it around her back with a small grin. As she makes the drink, she hones her hearing as Klaus speaks to Gloria.

"Obviously you did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old...We'd have to contact the witch who created it."

"Well, that would be the Original witch. She's very dead."

"I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah."

"I told you," Lexi says loud enough for Klaus to hear. Both Gloria and Klaus turn to her as she says, "I told you we needed Rebekah."

"Rebekah's...a bit preoccupied," Klaus replies timidly as he shifts in his seat.

Gloria leans back in her seat. "She has what I need. Bring her to me."

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