23 | Rescue Mission

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Lexi stands in the corner of the gymnasium, students dancing as the lights flicker. In her dark purple dress, she hides from the light with her eyes roaming the sea of teenagers as she looks for one specific beta; she finds him sneaking up the bleachers with a frown on his face.

Lydia finds herself alone with four boys. She rolls her eyes when she sees the Hales staring at Lexi as she steps through people with her eyes focused on a young Scott McCall. She does not notice Stiles staring at her with nostalgia in his eyes—across the room, he can see them dancing together to the soft music. Scott can only stare at Allison standing in the light as she awkwardly looks around the gym.

"Ok, we were not all here," Lydia says.

"But we're all involved," Peter replies. "And that's all that matters."

"McCall!" Lexi's eyes widen as Coach screams across the gym. "I see you! Come here, buddy!"

As Coach begins to wade through the students, Scott dashes towards another lacrosse player. Lexi watches with a confused smile as the two boys begin to dance just as Coach reaches them. "Nice move, dumbass," she mutters to herself.

"McCall! You're not supposed to be here! What the hell—" The music comes to a screeching halt as Coach stares at the two boys. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Yes, Coach?" Scott pulls the other boy closer.

Lexi rolls her eyes as she begins to move towards the group. Coach laughs loudly. "Hold on, you—I was just saying, he's not supposed to... I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't... You guys don't think—You don't—I-I was just..."

Lexi places a hand on Coach's shoulder. "Dance everyone!" She shouts over the silence. "It's a dance! Party!"

The music resumes as Lexi gently moves Coach to the edge of the room. "What the hell was I thinking?" He mutters.

"You were following the rules for once," Lexi replies. "and it backfired. Just let the kid have his fun, yeah?"

Coach nods numbly as Lexi looks back at Scott. Her grin disappears when she sees him with Allison. Their smiles and love-sick eyes send Lexi's heart plummeting into her stomach.

When she blinks, clarity fills her vision. "History repeating," she whispers to herself. "Hang on, Coach, I'll be right back." She hands him a water bottle before she steps out of the gym with her purse clutched tightly in her hand. She almost races out into the cold air and takes a deep breath. "It's history repeating."

She glances around the school—making sure no one can hear her—before she begins to speak, her voice soft but fast. "The locator spell didn't work. No witch would ever work with Kate after the fire. The only place that is hidden is..."

Her eyes find the moon. "Peter!" She shouts, racing down the stairs, her eyes frantically moving around the parking lot. "I know you're here! I figured it out!" The excitement in her eyes brightens her expression ten-fold as she follows Peter's distinct scent.

"I know where Derek—" The light dims when she reaches the field. Anger flares in her gut at the bloodied strawberry-blonde beside the crying human boy. Without thinking, Lexi stomps across the field, slapping Peter across the face. "How dare you!" She seethes as she drops down beside Lydia, pressing her fingers against the girl's throat. "I told you I would help you!"

Peter wipes his finger across his bottom lip. "You were taking too long. Now, about what you said—"

She slaps him again.

"No," she says. "You don't get to know. You broke our deal. I don't work with people who break deals." Part of her accent shines through her facade as she glares at the werewolf. "Find Derek yourself."

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