15 | Lesson

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"Alright, let's go. Sit, sit, sit!" Lexi urges as students rush into the class. She eyes a sweaty Scott and an unusually calm Stiles. "We have a lot to cover today!"

As Scott takes his seat, he sees Allison walk into the room. Lexi watches as he grabs Stiles' eyes. "Stiles, sit behind me, dude."

Before the human can even react, Allison sits behind Scott with a wide smile. "Hey!" She greets. Lexi can hear the girl's heartbeat quicken when Scott looks back. "I haven't seen you all day."

"Uh, yeah," Scott mumbles. "I've been super busy."

"When are you gonna get your phone fixed? I feel like I'm totally disconnected from you," Allison asks.

"Soon. Real soon."

Lexi rolls her eyes. She continues to clean the chalkboard, sending late students a disproving look. But she will not start class. Not yet.

"I changed lab partners by the way."

Scott spins around. "To who?"

Allison laughs. "To you, dummy."

"Me?" Even Lexi narrows her eyes at the panic in his voice. "I mean, are you sure?"

"Yeah. This way I have an excuse to bring you home to study."

Lexi glances over her shoulder to see Scott slouch in his seat. "Oh."

"You don't mind, do you?"

"I just don't want to bring your grade down," Scott replies.

Lexi can faintly hear a soft beeping in the classroom. Every time Allison speaks, it races slightly faster than before. With each passing moment, it accelerates for no reason. Then, Lexi sees the heart monitor in Stiles' bag.

"I mean, maybe I can bring your grade up," Allison smiles. "8:30? Tonight?"

"Settle down!" Lexi shouts over the increasing chatter in the classroom. "Let's start with a summary of the reading. Mr. McCall?"

Scott flinches when she calls his name. He adjusts in his seat with his hands tightening around the textbook lying in front of him. "What?"

"The reading," Lexi repeats. She leans back against her desk while crossing her arms. "About Enlightenment thinkers? Or how about the reading of the Gettysburg Address?"

"What?" Scott repeats as laughter escapes from some students.

"That's sarcasm," Lexi deadpans."Are you familiar with the term?"

Scott glances over at Stiles. "Very."

With a shake of her head, Lexi sighs. "Did you do the reading or not?"

"Um, I think I forgot."

"What a surprise, Scott," Lexi says with a hint of malice in her voice. Enough to silence the class. "It's not like you are already on academic probation. Come on. You know you can't continue lacrosse with your grades." She hears the beeping quicken. "Let's hear a summary of the previous night's reading, hmm?" Scott stays silent. "No? How about the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire life?"

"I—" Scott attempts to talk, but Lexi shakes her head, honing her hearing onto the heart monitor.

"No?" She arches an eyebrow as she pushes off her desk. She sees Allison slump forward. "How about telling me something your girlfriend said to you? Can you remember that far back, or is that too much of a stretch? Thank you, Mr. McCall, for reminding me why I am such a harsh grader. When students refuse to perform, how am I supposed to do my job? So, thank you. Next class, we will have a quiz."

She turns her back to the disappointed students with a small smirk on her lips; the heart monitor stopped. "See me after class, Scott." She hears a snicker. "You too, Stiles."

The class flies by until the bell rings. Both boys stay in their seats, neither inclined to disobey her. Allison sends him a pitying expression before she goes up to Lexi's desk. "Don't you think that this is a bit harsh?" She asks. "He just forgot a reading."

"Yes, but I would like students to take me seriously," Lexi replies without emotion. "Trust me, Allison. I know how to handle teenage rebels."

Allison shakes her head as she walks out. "What a bitch," she mutters under her breath as Lexi closes the door behind her.

"I heard that," Lexi replies even though Allison is long gone. When she turns back to the boys, she sees Scott's eyes flashing yellow. "Calm down. This is a lesson."

"Really? Embarrassing me in front of the whole class is a lesson?" He growls.

Lexi turns away from Scott to focus on Stiles. "Derek is wrong," she says. "It's not anger. It's her."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks, looking between the two.

Stiles sighs. "It's Allison," he says. "Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right?"

"About protecting her."

"Remember the night of the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field." Scott nods. "That's what brought you back so you could score. And then, after the game in the locker room, you didn't kill her. At least, not like you were trying to kill me."

Lexi lets out a heavy breath. "She brings you back. And I needed you to understand that before Derek corrupts you with whatever ideas he has on how to keep you in control. It's Allison, not anger."

"No, no, no." Scott shakes his head, waving his hands in the air. "But it's not always true, because literally every time I'm kissing her or touching her—"

"One, ew," Lexi grimaces. "Two, that's not the same. When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thing about sex." When she sees the far off look in his eye, she deadpans, "You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?"


Stiles slaps Scott's arm.

"I mean, no."

Lexi narrows her eyes.


"When she held your hand while I was yelling at you," Lexi explains, "she anchored you to your humanity. She does not make you weak—she gives you strength."

Scott nods. "You mean because I love her."

Lexi rolls her eyes, feeling her entire body recoil, as Stiles nods, saying, "Exactly."

"Did I just say that?" Scott asks with wide eyes.

"Yes," Lexi grumbles.

"I love her."

"That's great," Stiles replies without enthusiasm.

"No, really. I think I am totally and completely in love with her."

"And that's beautiful," Lexi says. "Go and write a sonnet. But right now, you need to learn control because you can't be with her all the time."

"Right," Scott says with a curt nod. "So what do I do?"

"I don't know," Stiles replies. Suddenly, his pensive expression contorts with a growing smirk.

Lexi rolls her eyes. "Get out of my classroom before you tell me whatever insane idea you've just come up with. I will not be complicit in this." She shoos the two boys away with her hands, ushering them out the door. 

Short one but Lexi is such a teacher. Don't know why I had it differently originally.

Hope you enjoyed!


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