14 | Earn My Trust

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Lexi's car screeches to a halt before the veterinarian clinic. A boy runs up next to the car with a frown on his face as Lexi steps out with a lone bullet in her hands. "Not a word, McCall," she orders as she kicks the back doors of the clinic open and stomps in.

"Ms. Adams?" Scott calls after her. "What are you doing here—"

"What did I just say?" She raises her eyebrows. "We don't have time for this, beta. Derek could die, so let me do what I have to do."

With a push, Lexi opens the gate and walks into the examination room with wide eyes at the sight before her; Derek is shirtless and leaning against the metal table with Stiles standing across from him, holding a bone saw. "What the hell?" She exclaims, drawing their attention.

"Ms. Adams?" Stiles gawks and lets the saw drop to the table. "Thank god, you saved me from a bunch of nightmares."

Lexi shakes her head as she grips Derek's arm and looks at the now-worse wound. "I told you I would help you." She attempts to glare at him but she just can't. The sadness in her eyes is too overwhelming.

"I don't know who you are," Derek growls but ends up leaning against her.

Lexi's anger dissipates as she breaks the bullet in her fingers, letting the wolfsbane fall onto the table. "Do either of you have a lighter?" She asks. The teens just stare at her. "Now or else he will die! Now!"

Scott scrambles to grab a lighter from the vet's tools, handing it to her. Igniting the powder, Lexi dusts the purple substance into her palm and grips Derek tightly. "Focus on something good. This will hurt."

Derek just nods; she pushes the powder into the open wound. He screams, writhing in Lexi's grasp but not falling to the cold ground. After a few seconds, Derek's shouts fade into loud panting. He looks down at her as she sighs in relief.

"That was awesome!" Stiles exclaims. "Yes!" Scott slaps his arm. "It was!"

"You ok?" Lexi asks.

"Who are you?" He asks, no longer angry. He stares at her eyes with a frown on his face—she is familiar, like a memory trying to break through the surface.

Lexi looks away and takes a step back, allowing him to stand on his own. "You can call me Lexi, but you wanna tell me why you were interacting with the Argents?" She demands as she crosses her arms. "And what the hell is going on in this town?"

"Wait, I'm confused. How do you know about this?" Scott asks. "How do you know what I am?"

"Seriously?" She arches an eyebrow. "You are about the worst adjusted beta I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot, Scott. So many. And it's not great that you're dating a hunter's daughter! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Scott shrinks away from the blonde, almost hiding behind Stiles. The human just stares at her in amazement. "He was bitten by the Alpha, and now we're trying to figure out who it is," Stiles says.

Lexi frowns "Laura Hale is the Alpha." She looks back at Derek. "That's why I'm here. Laura's an old friend from high school. Have you seen her? I've been calling her."

"Wait, you knew Laura?" Stiles asks.

"Yes, dumbass. I just told you," Lexi replies. "That's how I know about all this. I studied how hunters think—how predator/prey relations work. I know how to find someone. That's why Laura called me, Where is she?" She looks between the boys, each watching as they avoid her gaze. "What happened to Laura?"

"She's dead," Derek says without an ounce of emotion in his voice. "The Alpha killed her."

Lexi turns to him, her eyes wide. "No..." She breathes. "No, she can't be—" The look on his face breaks her. "That—I just—" She backs away from them, slamming into the examination table. She jumps as she gasps. "How?" Her voice cracks.

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