You misunderstood.

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I went to bed around 3AM.
I woke up,feeling numb.

" [Y/N]! Time for breakfast!! " [B/N] shouted.

" Augh...fine.. " I told myself.

I got up,and go to the bathroom and when I was done,I wore my school uniform.

I look at the mirror.

" Ugh..those dark circles are becoming more and more visible.. " I talk to myself.

I went downstairs and saw Yui feeding [B/N].

" Ahh~ " Yui said as she opens her mouth.

" A-ahh.. " [B/N] opened his mouth then Yui feed him.

' Nevermind,I'll just skip breakfast. ' I tought.

I sneakily went to the front door and grab my bag and wore my shoes then went out.

I walked to school.I went to my classroom and sat to my seat.

When suddenly Ryuu went in , while the other girls followed him.

He sat to his seat behind mine.I look at him,I saw how annoyed and angry he is.While the other girls talked to him as if doesn't care if he's angry or not.

I stood up.

" Augh~.. Everyone.. " I said as I hold my stomach and grab the other girls shoulder.Everyone was angry and surprised except for Ryuu,he was only surprised.

" I-I THINK I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!!.. " I sort of shouted at them.

" H-hold,what!? " The other girl asked me while holding her nose.

" I-I HAVE A MASSIVE DIARRHEA,I THINK I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE! " I shouted at them once again.

All the girls were disgusted and starts leaving one by one.

" Ugh,,..What a freak. " The girl 1 said.

" What kind of girl said that out loud,by the way? " The girl 5 said.

As they left I sighed.

' I hope Ryuu wasn't disgusted.. '  I tought.

I look at Ryuu,and he was just staring at me blankly.


(Before [Y/N] helped him)

I was walking to my classroom when 5 girls walk up to me and started walking with me also.

" Uhhmm.. Your 'Sawako Ryuu',right..? " Girl 1 said as she brush her hair gently looking at me with sparkling eyes.

" Yes..? " I replied.

I sort of ignored their questions,and pretend I'm deep in my toughts.

I went inside my classroom and saw
[Y/N] looking at me.

I looked annoyed and angry when I sat down.I saw [Y/N] glanced at me.I was worried that what if she misunderstands that I'm a player? That made me more furious and annoyed at the same time.

' I must tell them to leave. ' I tought.So when I opened my mouth [Y/N] suddenly stood up and grabbed one of the girls shoulder.

" Augh~.. Everyone.. "  [Y/N] said.

I was worried and shock.Is she okay? I tought.

" I-I THINK I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!!.. " [Y/N] shouted.

I was worried and scared at the same time.

" H-hold,what!? " The girl 3 shouted with confusion while holding her nose.

' Why is she holding her nose? Is she saying that my dear [Y/N] is smelly!? ' I tought with anger.


' Diarrhea..? ' I tought with worry.

The other girls was looking at [Y/N] with disgusts and starts leaving one by one.

I heard the other girls saying how disgusting she was,I was angry at them but I didn't show it.

I look at [Y/N] sigh.She  then looks at me.


I stare at him for minutes then went back to my own world.

" I-I don't have diarrhea... " I said while I sat back to my seat and pretend to take a nap to cover  my face.

<<Time skip to Lunchtime to please read my other work named
" I hated Reality.. " now please
enjoy! >>

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands.When I went out,so many people is gathering and watching at the staircase.

I went to take a look.Then saw something that I reggretted to look at.

It was Ryuu and a girl I don't know!

" さいすき!" Said the girl who is bowing and handing over an envelope that is colored pink.

(T/N : I love you!)

Everyone was smiling and gossiping.While my eyes are wide.

I went back to my classroom , blankly eating my bento.

' They must be a couple now,huh.. ' I tought.

' They looked cute together,anyways.. ' I added.

As I didn't noticed,my tears went down to my cheek,and Ryuu watching me cry.

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now