is it over..?

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It has been 6 months since I saw Ryu,they said it's been hard to find him since the kidnap incident.

What happened,you may ask?

Ryu tried to kidnap Milo,or my nephew.

I wouldn't like to explain how Ryu tried to kidnap Milo. He's the man I despised the most.

I snapped out of my thoughts when
Kaoru screamed horrifically as he stared at Milo playing with 'sharp' objects.

I just now noticed that Kaoru is such an overprotective person when it comes to children. Maybe he doesn't have any good relationship with toys.

I chuckled at the sight of Milo being confused at why did Kaoru get his toy car. We all moved to another country,called the Philippines. It's been hard to fit in but in the Philippines it seemed easy.

Me and Kaoru hadn't meet Yukizaki-san since he bid us all goodbye at the airport,he said he will look into this case more seriously after Milo's incident.

Kaoru noticed me chuckle and his face started to get red.

"Ah.." I Unconsciously let out a sound.

My face went red and realized what he just did.

Yes,I know that Kaoru has a crush on me. Even though he tries so hard not to show it.

And yes,.. I do like him too. But,you may ask,I should've confessed to him. But.. I'm scared.

Kaoru went closer to me,Milo in his hands. Our faces are like tomatoes facing each other. Kaoru's orbs stared onto mine as our orbs are absorbed to each other,as if we are both inside a spell.



We both got startled at Milo's cry and both look at each other then look away as we both take care at Milo's woes.




Me and Kaoru started living together for us three just to be safe. I'm on my phone at my bedroom,while Milo is crying.

It indeed has been so long since I've watched anime. I started to think that watching anime is just wasting my time,but another part of me wants to watch more anime. But I seem to be very busy.

Everyday Kaoru would go out to the warehouse where the other detectives are. I started to be more cautious around me after 6 months. Everything had changed.

Was it my fault that all of this happened?

Should I kill myself?

Life is meaningless anyways.

Should I commit suicide later..?

"Abu ngh!" A small voice called out for me. I turn my head to see Milo trying to stand up from the crib. Milo has a big smile on his face and his white pearls of teeth is showing.

Seeing Milo's smile,it made me burst out in tears.

Oh how innocent this child is..

"I'm sorry.." I held Milo in my hands while apologizing. My tears started to pour as Milo started giggling playfully.

Onii-chan, I'm sorry for thinking that way.

"hic.. mama.. papa.." I called out to my parents.


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