When your crying because of a movie.

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I was staring at the ceiling with a bored look.I look at the TV that was turned off and I look at below the TV that was a cabinet.

I decided to watch a movie while Ryu is studying for his 3rd Semester.

I saw a movie that my friends recommend me to watch.When they said that I told Ryu about it and then a minute or so,he already bought it.

I grab that movie and watch it by setting the TV.When it starting,I turned off the lights and grab my blanket and some pockies and sat on the couch and watch the movie.

' Ugh,I can't believe I lie to [Y/N].I just need to kill this f*cker.He just f*cking harrased [Y/N],and as [Y/N] a kind person she was.She let it slide but only gave him a single f*cking warning. ' I thought with anger while gripping onto the pocket knife with blood stain onto it.

" But still,thanks to you,she cried onto my shoulder and kissed me,but I won't still forgive you,you Assh*le. " I said while hysterically laughing.

I diaposed of the body and clean my clothes then disposed of any evidence.I went to our apartment and rang the bell.

I heard sobbing noises and weeping inside,I got nervous,angry and scared on what's happening inside,so I furuiosly tried to open the door and kept on banging onto it.

I heard our door knob turned then opened.I saw [Y/N]'s eyes are puffy and red by crying.

" W-why are you banging the door? " She said while wiping off her tears.
" Why are you crying? " I asked worriedly.

Your POV

I was a but confused why Ryu was banging on the door so much.But I let it slide.

" Because,I'm watching a movie. " I replied.Ryu then let out a relief sigh then went inside then kissed my forehead.

" I see. " Ryu said.Ryu then puts off his shoe then went to the couch.I went beside him and snuggle him.My tears are still falling when I continued watching.

When I suddenly sneeze onto Ryu's favorate jacket,and my boogers and snot are in his jacket.

I got nervous and wipe off my nose." I-I'M SO SORRY RYU!! I D-DIDN'T MEAN TO!! I'LL WASH IT FOR YOU!! " I nervously said while my voice are shaking.

Ryu tooks off his jacket and reveals his white T-shirt.He smiled at me innocently and he gave me his jacket
" It's okay.Here,use it if you want,and it's okay,I'll wash it by myself. " Ryu said by giving his jacket to me.

And so I used his jacket whenever my nise are running and whenever my tears are starting to fall.

As I didn't knew.Ryu was doing that so his favorate jacket was covered by my snot and boogers and tears,and not washing it.

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