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I squeeze my way out of Ryu and it was successful!

I was about to exit to the main door when,..




I got distracted by a familiar face..

Dark brown hair and yellowish eyes..





I felt a hand grip onto my waist then pulled us closer to their chest.

I looked up and saw Ryu gritting through his teeth and his face full of anger.

"STOP YOUR BULLSH*T!" he shouted at Mizuki who is laughing..?


I don't have the hammer with me.

I took a glance at both of them when we heard footsteps from the main door.

"Uhm.. excuse me.. is everyone alright..?" We all turn our heads to the person who caused the noise.



"Kaoru!" I shouted as I tried to struggle through Ryu's grip.

"My dear [Y/N],it's no use.." Ryu smiled creepily as he pulled me closer to his chest.


Before Kaoru could continue his sentence. Ryu threw his boning knife.

For those who didn't knew what boning knife is.. this is what it looks like)

 this is what it looks like)

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Luckily,Kaoru crouched his upper body in time to avoid Ryu's aim.

I could see Kaoru froze in place after he stared at the knife at the wall. His own body started to shake in fear and look at Ryu and Mizuki.

I have been wondering for awhile..


"What the f*ck are you standing there for!? Call the f*cking police,assh*le." Mizuki shouted as he charge towards Ryu.

I finally escaped Ryu's grip after he focused his attention to Mizuki.

I went with Kaoru as I held the baby tightly. We both ran away from the house and runned about an hour or so.

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now