Meeting your childhood best friend.

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I woke up and saw Ryu sleeping soundly besides me.I went to the fridge to get some milk to drink,but our fridge is almost nothing inside.

My eyes widened in shock.I then heard Ryu's yawn on the bedroom.I went up to him.

" Ryu,we run out of food. " I said while crossing my arms." Wanna go shopping? " Ryu asked while he fix the bed.

I'm not a fan of shopping,but if it's for food.I'm in!

" Sure! " I said as I went to our closet and pick out some clothes.I grabbed it and grab some towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I was done,I went outside the bathroom with my clothes on.{P.S Your wearing White plain T-shirt and jogging pants that are black but the sides are white,and white socks.}

When I went to the dining table,I saw Ryu eating a salad.When Ryu noticed me,he smiled at me and pats on the chair that is besides him.

I sat down on the chair.Ryu gave me a salad that is a bit diffrent from his.He have many veggies and lesser meats on it.While mine has less veggies and many chunks of meats.

I ate my 'salad' and wait for Ryu to get ready then flop to the couch.I was watching [F/A](Favorate Anime),my favorate series/movie on the TV.

When my phone ring.I got annoyed and answered it.

" Hello? " a deep man familiar voice spoke." Yes? Who's this? " I asked coldly." Ouchh,did you forgot about me,[Y/N]? " At what the guy said that I recognized his tone." Wait,Mizuki!? " I shouted in excitement while pausing the TV.

" Ackk!! My ears! " Mizuki said " Lol. " I said before I give a small giggle.

Mizuki was your childhood Bestfriend,and he's the only one who knew your a weeb except for Ryu.You have deep feelings for Mizuki ever since you guys are about 10 years old.

Mizuki has dark brown hair and has Yellowish eyes.He was the second most popular on boys,and every girl liked him.

But,the girls are always jealous of you because you guys are very close and always hang out.

When you were about to confess on Mizuki.He introduced to you his new girlfriend on the second day of middle school.

Of course,it hurts your heart,but,who are you to control someone to like you even though he doesn't like you back.So,you just supported them and be happy for them.

When you were walking home alone,without Mizuki,for the first time.You bumped into Ryu deep in thoughts.

And then that's when you forgot about Mizuki and all,but,sadly,he broke up with his girlfriend because he doesn't want a distant-relationship,and he would be moving out of Tokyo to Osaka.Because of family problems.

I went back onto Reality when Mizuki started screaming onto my ears.

" Augh..Stop! " I shouted." Welcome back,dork. " Mizuki teased." Hmph! So how's life there in Osaka? " I asked Mizuki." Eh,didn't you heard? " Mizuki asked." Heard what? " I asked back.
" I went back here in Tokyo. " Mizuki replied back.

My eyes went wide.I was about to scream,when Ryu went out to the bathroom fully dressed.He's wearing a black jacket and ripped jeans and white socks,and a cap.

" Hm? What's wrong [Y/N]? " Ryu asked while sitting besides me in the couch.
" [Y/N],Who was that? " Mizuki asked.It was on speaker so Ryu can hear it.

" Who's that,[Y/N] ? " Ryu asked while looking at the screen of my phone.I requested a Video call,luckily,Mizuki accepts it.

And oh my,he's now more hotter and handsome than before.His face turned pink when he saw my face,then it burned down when he saw Ryu behind me.

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