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Hello everyone!
Its me the author.
I've always wanted to give you all a quick Fanservice with Mizuki and Ryu!

This first Fanservice is all fluff and soft. ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

The second Fanservice is all smexy and smut. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you don't like some limes and lemons,please be sure to tap away from this chapter and read my other work.. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

That's all for today,please enjoy!



Today is the day of my first ever alcohol!

Ryu is currently buying drinks from the convenience store for our booze,while I wait watching anime.

I suddenly have the urge to read one yaoi chapter while watching anime.

But luckily,Ryu came home with the booze!

Ryu prepared our drinks with chips on the coffee table. I sat on the ground besides Ryu and lay my head on his shoulder while eating some chips.

Ryu grab my hand that is holding my phone and look at me.

"[Y/N],how about lets drink first before you watch anime?" He said.

"Ah,sorry." I pause the anime I was watching and put the video length on my memo and turn it off.

Ryu caress my cheek after I was done putting down my phone.

"Lets drink?"

I nodded and grab a cup and pour some alcohol.

Ryu imitate what I was doing and smiles.

We both cheered our cups together and drink.


Its been about a minute after we drank our booze.

After a big sip my head suddenly became dizzy.

Ah,.. was I lightweight..?

I took a glance at Ryu,who was looking sober after finishing a whole cup.

Didn't Ryu said he was lightweight..?


I suddenly saw Ryu smirk and put down his cup on the coffee table and look at me.


"R,.. Ryu..?"

"Ah~ my dear [Y/N],.. you're so cute when you're drunk..." He said in a seductive voice.

Ryu suddenly went on top of me then he caress my cheek.

"R,Ryu,.. wait..!" I tried to shove Ryu away but its no use,.. I'm too dizzy.

Ah~ [Y/N],.. stop seducing me when you're drunk,..

Your making my insides excited...

Ah [Y/N]~ I wonder what do you taste like,..

Ryu kiss my neck the started to lick.

His cold saliva dripping onto my clothes as he lick my neck is really uncomfortable..

He started to lick my lips and then suddenly bit my bottom lip.

"Ah!" I Yelp.

"Shhh… [Y/N],.. don't shout or else,.." he warned me in his possessive voice as he started licking my other neck.

"R,..Ryu,.." I tried to move around to get away from Ryu but he suddenly grip onto my wrist to prevent me from moving.


Ryu started to chuckle and removed my sweater.

I could feel the cold air blowing through my skin.

"[Y/N],.. if you really want me to stop,.. then please shout my name as I put me inside you~" he started to lick my stomach.

I could feel his cold saliva coming from his tounge(don't know how to spell)  going upwards close to my chest and going downwards close to my bottom.

I shuddered and flinch as he started to unclasp my sis/or the definition of,bra.

Before he continued,he stared at my uncovered chest with amusement.

"Eh~ I didn't knew [Y/N] would aroused me like this." He said as he fiddle around my nips.

His bottom touched my legs as I could feel a hard texture feeling in his pants.

"You feel that [Y/N]?.." he whispered,making me shudder.

"That's how I love you so much.." he added as he softly blow inside my ear and lick it.

"R,Ryu.. stop,. Please.." I plead as tears stream down my cheeks.

All I could feel is emberrasment(still don't know how to spell) and flustered.

Ryu look into my eyes and smiled.

"Ah~ [Y/N],.." he said as he caress my cheek.

"Fine,.. I'll let you off,but when we are going to do this again,I can't promise you I won't be rough on you~" he added as he kiss my tears away.

He pull himself up and carried me into our bed,topless.

"[Y/N],.. if we do this again,I hope you won't walk anymore." He whispered as he lay me down softly in our bed.

What he said made me shudder.

I slowly fell asleep while Ryu hugging me in his arms.





of course this won't happen or else you want Mizuki and Ryu to fight over you or Ryu bang you?

But,I do really want to say


I also want to thank you guys for putting my work in your reading lists!!

And I'm sorry if it's indeed short,..

Well,its because I'm really embarrassed that I know how to do some smut scenes.

I KNOW! ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
It is a very small reason but it is true!

But,don't worry I'll still be doing some small smut scenes for you guys!

That's all what I'm going to say and thank you for reading this announcement and,..

Have a milky day!! (ノ゚0゚)ノ~

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