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College ended like usual then I saw Saikawa with books on her hand.

I was about head to her when she went to another way.

I'm confuse.

Saikawa never went that way.

I followed Saikawa,until we reached at a weird place.

The place is like a storage room.
Empty and dusty,and somehow there's boxes inside.

I hide not too faraway from Saikawa.

I know eavesdropping is a bad thing,but,this is really suspicious.

I saw Saikawa answered her phone.

"Y,yes..?" Saikawa answered while stuttering,but somehow,her voice seemed oddly cold.

"I,I already told you that I take care of the bodies." Saikawa replied.

'Bodies..?' I thought.

"I'm not close with [Y/N]!" Saikawa shouted.

As she said that,I started to be more confused and worried.

Random Thoughts came popping in my head.

"Just give her water everyday,she will be fine.." She said with a droopy tone.

"[Y/N] is gonna be f,fine,she just needs to rest.." She added.

Again,I am more confused.

I decided not to eavesdrop anymore and went back.

While I was walking,I saw Ryu sitting on a bench while he is on his phone.

I tapped his shoulders.He look at me then smiled,I smiled back.I sat down next to him then look at his phone.

But,before I could get a glimpse on his phone,he quickly hid it then hugged me.

I was taken aback by his action,but I shrug it off then hug him back.

I pull off from the hug then I somehow saw Ryu frowning,but he is smiling.Must be an illusion.

"[Y/N],lets go home?" Ryu asked while stroking my hair.I nodded with a smile.

We both went to his car hand in hand then went to our apartment.

I went inside then took off my shoes and lay on the couch.

Ryu,on the other hand,sat besides me,but my feets are in his lap.

Ryu started watching about sharpening knives.I was confused about it then ask Ryu,he just replied that his class needed to do that for a project.

I just accepted it and shrugged it off.I mean,its about a project,right?

Hours have past,I started to get drowsy.

I lay my head onto Ryu's lap and put my feets on the other side of the couch.

I started to get sleepy more when Ryu started to stroke my hair gently.

I didn't knew,I was already asleep.


I was awoken by a vibration next to me.

I opene my eyes then noticed I'm in the bedroom.

I sat up then saw Ryu sleeping.I smiled at his handsomeness.

I got startled by the vibration,again.

I look besides me and saw Ryu's phone vibrating.

I was about to grab onto the phone when a hand grabbed onto my wrist.

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now