When you finally confessed!

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After yesterday,Ryu started to talk to me more than the others.


It was already raining very hard.I didn't eat my lunch because I'm saving it for later! Because my brother made an artsy piece onto that bento! And that bento was drawn was Rem!

When I was deep in my toughts ( I'm getting the deja vu here) I suddenly bumped into my junior that was shorter than me and has twin braids and has glasses and freckles.

" Cute. " I told myself.

When I didn't noticed all of the papers scattered on the floor.

" Ah! " The girl jumped in shock.

The girl pick up the papers one by one when I butt in and help her.

" E-eh!? " The girl said in shock.

" You need help right? I'll help because I'm the one who's cause all of this. " I said and smiled and picked up the papers.

" I-I don't need your help! " The girl said in a frightened and trying not to be weak tone.

I look at her,then smiled.I then continued picking up the papers.

" H-hey! " The girl shouted with a stutter.

" Yes? " I said in a gentle voice,trying to be calm.

" S-stop, I can do this by my own anyways!! " The girl shouted at me with  stutter again.

" It's okay..Uhmm...Your name? " I asked.

" There's no time for that!! " She shouted at me again ,but this time she didn't stutter.

I saw the last paper whom was stepping on.I stood up and tapped her shoulder.

" Excuse me,can you pleas--- " Before I could finish my sentence the girl who was stepping onto that paper suddenly slapped my hands away from her.

" Tsk.What!? " The girl shouted at me.But that didn't let me stop from getting the paper.

" Your feet--- " Before I could finish,again,she butt in.

" What about it,huh!? " The girl shouted and glared at me.

' Honestly,my brother's glare is much much  much more scarier. ' I so tought.

" Can you please move your feet away from  the paper? " I asked and pointed at her shoes.She suddenly grinned and pick up the paper and showed it to me.

" Oh.This? " The girl asked.

" Yes,please give it ba----- " Before I could finish she throwed the paper in my face,I captured it of course.

" Thank you. " I said and bowed down and give all of the papers to the braid girl.

I looked behind and saw that the girl I was with before is pissed off and looked at me.

" Oh and.Please don't pick onto your juniors. " I kindly said.

" Huh!? PFTT-- ARE YOU F*CKING JOKING RIGHT NOW!? " She shouted at me and started laughing and then she stopped.

" Hey,don't you even know who I am? " She asked with a pissed off tone.

" No,who are you? " I asked and the walked away.

I suddenly felt like someone pulled my hair and bring me to the ground.


Some people started gathering and whispering.

She started to slap me and gave me bruises onto my face.

" You tought helping someone will help you back too,huh,you b*tch? " She said then started to giggle.

' I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore.. ' I tought.

I suddenly gritted my teeth and clenched my hands into fists.

' No,,..I need to stay below or else people will tought I have high pride.. ' I tought.

Then suddenly a voice came shouting.

" [Y/N]!! " I heard which that came with a boys voice and with a familiar voice.

I suddenly blacked out from thinking too much.


I woke up from the nurse's bed.

" Ah your awake! " The nurse said as she stood up from her chair.

" H-hmm?? " I said and then sat up.

" You've been blacked out for about 5 hours,but thank goodness your boyfriend is here to bring you here.But I must say you do have a lot of bruises when he brought here. " The nurse said and then left the room.

I then now noticed Ryu holding my hand.My face went red and then I pat his head gently.

" You know,,..I truly like,..no,Love you. " I whispered to Ryu while he was asleep.

I gave him my blazer to keep him warm.

I stood up from the nurse bed and look at the window.I slowly became tired because of the peaceful rain.

I sat down on the nearest sit from the window and fell asleep.


I woke up and then saw Ryu staring at me.

" Uh..what time is it..? " I asked Ryu.

" It's already 7:36 PM.. " Ryu replied his tone is like he just woke up a minute ago.

" 7:36PM!?!? " I asked very nervous

" Why? " Ryu asked while he stood up and walk closer to me.

" I-it's just that... " I replied back.

' I can't tell him that I'm scared of my brothers teaching!!!! ' I tought to myself.

He leaned closer to me.I can feel his breathing in front of me.My face went red and I started to breathe heavily.

I closed my eyes because I don't know!!
I just had a feeling to do it!

Then suddenly he put his face onto my neck.I can feel his breathing.

" I'm sorry I didn't came at the right time to help you from that girl. " He said in a sad tone.

' EHHH!?!? HE CARED ABOUT ME!? ' I tought.

" Can I tell you something important? " Ryu said as he hugged my waist and snuggle his face onto my neck.

I turned red and stopped breathing for 10 seconds then breathe heavily.

" S..s-s-sure! " I told Ryu with a stutter.

He suddenly went close to my ear and then----

" I like,,..no,love you,[Y/N],please go out with me.. " Ryu whispered to my ear and then I suddenly covered my face.


" What's wrong..? " Ryu whispered to my ear then hugged my waist and then snuggled onto my neck.

" I-it's just that..I love you too,I just can't believe this is happening! " I said in embarrasement while covering my face.

Minutes later,Ryu let me go and then I went infront of him.

" Ryu! I love you too! I would go out with you!! " I shouted then bowed and then looked at Ryu.

I saw Ryu's facial expression is in shock and happy at the same time.He then hugged me,then I hugged him back.I put my hand onto his head and pat him.


~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now