When you suddenly got sick

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I woke up feeling with an unusual feeling and noticed that Ryu wasn't beside me.

I went to the living room with my trembling feet.When I saw Ryu,he looked at me with widened eyes when he saw me.

" R-ry...u " I tried to call him but my voice hurts.

I smiled then went to the dining room to see food lying there.I suddenly felt someones hands went to my forehead from behind.I look behind then saw Ryu touching my burning forehead.

" [Y/N],you need to rest... " Ryu said as he carried me in a bridal style and put me down gently onto our bed.

" H-h..ow about..college..??? " I asked Ryu as he went to the telephone and call someone.

" Don't worry about that,I can take care of it. " Ryu said.

I closed my eyes with a smile then sleep.
I woke up with a cold feeling in my forehead.I touched it and it was a face towel that was cold wet.

" [Y/N]? " A familiar voice said then I tilt my head then saw Ryu with foods that look newly cooked.

" R-Ryu...?? " I said weakly before I groaned then cough.I sit up in a sitting position then look at Ryu.

" [Y/N],..you can take a nap,you must be tired from all that sleepless night.. " Ryu said as he put the food at the side table then sat down beside me then pats my back.

" No! Sleep is for the weak... " I pouted then cough.

I look at Ryu then he looks at me with a concerned expression.Ryu's hand went to my shoulder then I lean onto his shoulder.

" Ne,[Y/N],earlier [B/N] was calling
you. " Ryu said.I look at him.

" Did you answer..? " I asked.He looks at me with a smile.

" Yes,I told him your sick,then he said that we must get ready for tomorrow Saturday,because he and her girlfriend are going to get married. " When he told me that my eyes widened.

" EHH!?!? " I shouted.

" ONII-CHAN AND ONEE-SAN!? EHH!?! " I shouted.

I hug Ryu which surprised him.

" !!??!---- "

" Ryu! Ryu! Ryu! Give me your best medicine!! " I pouted while hugging him and shaking him.

( woah,you guys are so childish. ○-○ )


Ryu suddenly kissed my forehead.

" !?!?---- "

Letting me let go of him.

" I'll do it,my dear [Y/N]. " Ryu said as he went to the kitchen.

I touched my forehead then flop onto the bed. I then covered my face.

' AACKKK!! RYU YOUR TOO MUCHH!! ACCKK!!! ' I tought while rolling on the sheets.
After drinking the best medicine by Ryu,[Y/N] on the next day didn't have any fever.Yey!

Then Ryu and [Y/N ] went to [B/N] and Yui's marriage.

[Y/N ] was shock because before the marriage she saw that Yui is pregnant by [B/N].

But [Y/N] didn't know that Ryu was collecting [Y/N]'s trash like tissue,sticks and etc.

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