What if?

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{This chapter is a bonus chapter!
If you don't like to waste your time on reading this,then you can go to my other story,if you want. Sorry.. if this chapter isn't the actual chapter you wanted..}

{Still,please be sure to enjoy!

Oh and,I will put the words on italic if Y/N is thinking,or y'know what I meant..

I will put the words on bold if its someone else's POV or something..

I won't put like "This POV"
"That POV" and yada yada yada..

You will know who it is even I won't put on the POV,I will tell you the POV if your really confused onto whom POV it is.}

Another I added,if its like this for example it meant its like a result onto what you've done like I did on my past chapters..

-What if (this is not Y/N is thinking,just letting you guys know.)》

-What if,Ryu and Y/N swap places? I meant,Y/N would be a Yandere and y'know what's next.

The smell of the iron blood lingered onto my nose as I sharpen my knife.

Muffling sounds were heard and the knife.

I turned my gaze at a boy who is tied up in a chair.

"Ah~ Ryu-kun.." I said with a daring tone.

I went closer to Ryu-kun while I play with the knife in hand.

I take off the hankerchief on Ryu-kun mouth.

"Ha.. [L/N]-san.." Ryu-kun spoke out.

"Yes~?" I asked while I look at his eyes.

"[L/N]-san,please! Let me go!" Ryu begged as he went closer to my face.

I started to fume in anger.

"What!?" I shouted "Oh,.. so that you can hangout with them"

Ryu started shivering in...fear?

"[L/N]-san,please.." Ryu-kun begged.

I went closer to Ryu-kun's face as I kiss his lips with mine.

Ah,.. that taste inside his lips is so delicious..

I let go. I lick my lips seductively as I look at Ryu's dreamy eyes. Ryu-kun's face heated.

"Ryu-kun,.. I love you~" I confessed while I lean my knife closer to Ryu-kun's face.

"I,I.. I LOVE YOU TOO! PLEASE,LET ME GO!" Ryu-kun shouted.

My heart can't stop beating with joy.

"I love you~" I said yet again.

"Do you love me too?" I ask while I hide my knife and then smiled.

"O,of course!" Ryu answered.

We both started doing that for days and hours as Ryu started to become insane.

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now