Our Date!

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I woke up from my bed after that long day.

My head hurts pretty bad after that incident.

I saw Ryu sleeping besides me.I just smiled.

'What was that images that showed to me yesterday?' I thought while I look at Ryu's face.

'Maybe its because I watch too many violent animes.' I thought as I caressed Ryu's face with a smile.
Suddenly,Ryu opened his eyes then look at me with a smile.

My face went red.

"R,Ryu!?" I shouted."You were awake!?" I asked while I sat up in the bed.

"Yes." Ryu replied with a smile as he sat up too.

'AHH!! THIS IS TOO EMBERRASSING!!!' I thought while I covered my face with my hands.

Ryu chuckled then grab both of my hands then kiss my forehead.

"Goodmorning." Ryu greeted with a chuckle.

My face went red,then I mysteriously started to think about Yaoi 18+ images run through my head that made me smirk like a pervert.

I went back to reality when Ryu hold my hand.

"Are you alright?" Ryu asked.

"Y,YES SIR!" I shouted while my face was red.

"Hm?" Ryu hummed in confusion.

'I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!' I thought.

"I,It's nothing!" I told Ryu while I hold back his hands.

"I see." Ryu shortly replied "Would you like to have pancakes today?" Ryu asked.

"Yes!" I replied with a smile.

Ryu got out of bed then went to the kitchen.I went besides Ryu as he prepared the ingredients.

'I must say,I am pretty lucky to have Ryu as a boyfriend!' I thought with a smile.

My phone went vibrating in my pockets so I pick it out and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I answered as I went outside the apartment.

"[Y/N]-chan,how are you?" Asked the familiar voice.

"Hm? Who is this?" I asked.

"It's me Saito Yui! Your step-sister." Yui replied.

"Ahh! Onee-san,how are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing a bit fine,because of the baby..How about you?" Asked Yui.

"I'm doing good! Things are good with Ryu!" I replied gleefully.

"I see. So,[Y/N]-chan,have you made a move yet?" Yui asked with a mischevious tone.

"Huh,move? What move?" I asked.I heard a sigh in the other side of the phone.

"I meant,Have you been having dates often?" Asked Yui.To her question,my face went red.

"N,no..?" I replied.

"[Y/N]-chan,right now,I want you to offer Ryu to have a date with him.I meant,just have a movie date inside your cute apartment." Yui commands.

"O,Okay." I answered.

"Alright,I'll go now,I'm feeling a bit dizzy right now.Bye." As Yui said that she hung up.

I stayed in my spot my face bright red.

'W,WHAT SHOULD I DO!? DO I NEED TO GET A GOOD TIMING FIRST!?' I thought while I put my both hands in both my cheeks on wondering what to do.

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now