When your going to the amusement park with Ryu

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I woke up around 8AM.
I get my lucky dress and shoes and my lucky necklace,I then wore it and look at the mirror.

' Okay,I need to calm down.This is just a hangout! Not a Date! Just a hangout! Not a Date! Just a Date---- '

I slapped my cheek then look at my calendar.

' It's Sunday.. and today I would hangout with Ryu! I can't let this oppurtunity gone to waste!! ' I tought while as I clenched my fist  and look up my ceiling with my determined eyes.


" Hey,[Y/N],isn't today your going to be having your menstration again? " Yui said as she leaned onto the side of my door.

I turned to Yui and looked at her  with
'Oh sh*t'.

" You forgot? Hm.. look at your short. " Yui pointed at my short,I look at it then saw a red spot that is the side of my butt.

" Onee-san..d-do you have pads..? " I asked embarrasedly.

" Sadly,no.. I would have mine next month. " Yui said as she crossed her arms.

" Where are you going anyways? " Yui asked.

" ACKK!! HOW DID YOU KNOW!? " I shouted.

" Isn't it obvious? You woke up really early and then you just straight up get some beutiful clothes.Who and why are you wearing your lucky dress,hmm?? " Yui asked.

" W--welll.... " I said as I look down embarrased.

After she told Yui.

" EHH!?!? " Yui Screamed.

" Shh! Shh! " I said while looking at her with a nervous expression.

" I don't want Onii-chan,,..you know how over-protective he may be.. " I said .

" Your going to hangout,wait no-- A DATE WITH YOUR CRUSH!?!?? " Yui shouted,making me cover both of my ears with my both hands.

" I Told you it's not a date!!! " I pouted.

" You sure? " Yui said.

" But [Y/N]!! Your going to experience dating for the first time!! " Yui said while she hugs me tight.

' I've already experience it with my friends telling how their dates are and playing otome games. ' I tought.

" But [Y/N]..You have your menstration and I think that guy would get confused on your mood swings or uhm.. behaviour.. " Yui said as she let go of me.

I sighed and looked at the mirror then slightly turned around.

I saw a medium red spot on my short.

" I should cancel it.. " I said in a displeased tone.

Yui looked at me with a sad expression.

When I was about to grab my phone to talk to Ryu,suddenly someone ring the door bell making Yui go downstairs to see who it was.

While Yui was downstairs I  changed my shorts to leggings because  I would be going out buying some pads.

I went downstairs.My eyes widened in shock.RYU!?!?

" Ah! [Y/N], Where are you going? "
[B/N]  ask while everyones eyes  are on me.

" U-uh... I'm just buying pads for Onee-san.. " I replied back embarrased.

" Don't tell me you have your mens right now? " [B/N] asked as he crossed his arms ,then Yui started to get angry at my brother.

Meanwhile,my face went all red,because Ryu is here! Now he knows that I'm  having my period right now!!

" W-whatever!! " I said as I left the house looking for the inconvenience store.

I found one and buy 3 packs of pads.I went back home and saw Ryu looking at my baby pictures with Yui.

I dash and grab the book and LA YEET---

" [Y/N]!? " Yui shouted while she stood up.

" Y-you .... " I said breathing heavily.

" GAAAAAAAAAA----- " I was about to tackle Yui and tickle her in 30 minutes but then my brother stopped me from showing me merchandise of my waifus.

I dash to my brother and grab the merchandise and flop to the warm ground.

《When Ryu and [Y/N] went to the amusement park.》

I wore my lucky dress that is sleeveless and the lenght is just about under my knee caps,and the silky [F/C] fabric.

My hair was done from Yui.Yui was a hair stylist back then,then met my brother and then blah blah blah.

Ryu was wearing a bit oversized shirt and jeans.

Me and Ryu was wondering around what can we ride first.

' YOSH! [Y/N] You can't mess this up! Remember Onee-san told you! Just follow everywhere he goes except for the toilet! But,ugh...I want to ride that crazy rollercoaster over there,but I don't wanna look crazy in front of Ryu..' I tought.Without thinking I held onto Ryu's hand.

To my surprise Ryu hold back.My eyes widened and my heart starts pounding like crazy.

" Hey,[Y/N],do you want to eat? " Ryu ask while holding my hand.

" S-sure! " I replied.

We went to a food court.Me and Ryu tried finding somewhere to eat then when we were done we found a chair and a take just for two people we went there and eat our food.

While I was eating I was thinking about,getting to know each other with Ryu for the moment but I'm too shy to ask.

" U-uh.. R-Ryu! " I said to Ryu.Ryu stopped eating and looked at me.

" Hm? What is it [Y/N]? " Ryu asked.

" D-do you want uhm..to..ano.. " I said nervously,not making any sense.

" Get to know each other? " Ryu added as if he knows what I would wanted.

" Y-yes! " I replied back.

Ryu grinned a bit creepy that made my spine shiver ,but I just shrugged it off.

" Do you want to hang out tomorrow after school? " Ryu asked.When he asked that suddenly my heart started to Pound even louder and faster.

" I-Is that okay? " I ask very lady like.

" Of course~ " Ryu replied like Romeo (But only just in [Y/N]'s mind)


I take a bite on my food then suddenly Ryu leaned closer.

' E-EHHH!?!? IS THIS A KISSING SCENE!? ' I tought anxiously.

Then Ryu wiped off that is on my lips with a tissue.

' Huh? '

" There's sauce,I'm sorry but it bothers me so much. " Ryu said.

I Didn't know that Ryu will forever keep that tissue onto his treasures.

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