His Relative..!?[2]

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"Onee-chan.." My little.. no.

He's never my brother.

He's a fucking psychotic bastard.

As the blood lingered my nose,this child's hand filled with the blood of the person we both despise.

My legs started to tremble and my bottom lip started to quiver.


I grab him by the hair and pull his hair forcefully,causing his weapon to drop.

"YOU SHIT WHOLE FUCKER!!" I shouted with all my might as I started to attack him.

He just stood there with a smile on his face. His face feels like I'm somewhat praising him into what I've done to him.


"FUCK YOU,AND THIS FUCKER!" I shouted as my throat started to get sore.




Minutes flew by and my legs gave up strength.

I started to pant as I let go of his hair.  His red strands of hair, that's the same as mine. Felt disgusting.

"Onee-chan? Are you okay?" He asked as he started to get close.

His dirty hands gets closer to my face..




When I snapped.

I slap his hands away and look at him with my cold eyes.

"Get your disgusting hands away from me. I'm disgusted." I said with pure malice.




I snapped away from my thoughts as the detective let me inside.

"[Y/N], this is your boyfriend's Relative." He said as he sat down to his chair. Leaving me standing besides him.

This ungrateful old man.

I thought with fury.

"Ah,you can sit in my seat." A beautiful girl,who seemed to be in her early twenties said to me as she stood up from her seat.

"Ara,.. you're such a beautiful young lady." I said as I sat down to her seat and crossed my legs with elegance.

She doesn't seem to noticed-

Who.. is this beautiful lady..?

She has beautiful red locks and her shining purple eyes.

She kinds of resembles.. Ryu.

"[L/N]-san and Ogawa-san,can we please go back to our topic." Yukizaki said as he tapped his foot with impatience.

"A,ah.." I nodded.

The red haired lady clicked her tongue with frustration.

W,wait a minute.. did Yukizaki-san just said 'Ogawa..'..

I accidentally made eye contact with the red haired lady and I quickly look away after she gave me a slight smile.


"Uhm.." I let out a confused sound.

"What is it,[L/N]-san?" Yukizaki-san questioned before yawning.

"Ah..!" I quickly realized what I did and made eye contact with the red haired lady, nervously then look back at Yukizaki-san.

"What is it..?? If you don't have any questions,then please don't waste any of our time." Yukizaki-san irritatedly said as he sighed.


"Is ano.. I'm sorry!" I apologies to the red haired lady before I continued "What was her surname again..?"

"Yes..? Ah,it's alright for you to forget,my name is Ogawa Rita,nice to meet you [L/N] [Y/N]." The red haired.. no, Ogawa-san introduced herself as she stands from her chair.


"You heard her right. That's your boyfriend's sister." Yukizaki-san said.

Ogawa-san sat back to her sit and looks at her nails as if nothing ever happened.

"Now.. let's start. Shall we?"




"Yes.. let's start." I said as I tried to keep my sane back altogether.

Everything is happening so fast that I can't even Concentrate.

What I did inside the investigation room was staring blankly at the floor and answered with a small voice.








What I didn't know,that everything is going downhill. And everything was only just beginning.




Starting with Kaoru.


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