When he went home drunk.

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( Just letting you guys know that this is a bit lemon.Y'know what I mean,so if your sensitve or I don't know,I recommend you to get away then read another story.You've been warned.)

Whenever Ryu is drunk.I'm scared of him.So scared that I even have to tell him to stop drinking.When he was drunk before and then the next day,he forgot on what he did,and of course,I would ignore him for a week.

And of course,I didn't last long to ignore him,because of his sweetness.But his attitude changed when he is drunk.

Today,is around 12:06 AM.I was worried on what happened to Ryu because he often comes home early.3 hours ago,he told me he was going to hang out with his best friend.

I was so anxious and nervous.What if he was cheating on me and sleeping on another girls bed!? Or What if he got into an accident and hospitalized without my call!?

A second later,the bell rang then I quickly opened it without warning.I saw Ryu with his best friend.His name is 'Kyo',he is a bit shorter than Ryu and he is attractive too.

" Ryu? Kyo? " I said shakingly.Kyo then went inside when I signal him in.Kyo putted Ryu gently onto the couch." He drank alot of alcohol,because some of those sh*ts forced him to. " Kyo said angrily.Forgot to tell you that Kyo is a swearing maniac.

" I f*cking told them to stop their cr*p but they didn't f*cking listen to me but still forced Ryu to f*cking drink.Those f*cking bastards. "
Kyo said while looking at me worried and then covering his mouth.

" Sorry if I swear alot.. " Kyo said while bowing.I smiled " It's okay,you better get home now,maybe 'Chiko' would be angry at you again. " Chiko is Kyo's girlfriend,let's just say that Chiko is like a tsundere type.I said while straightening his pose.He then smiled at me and went outside,after that I closed the door.

I heard a groan comming from the living room.I went to see Ryu who was sitting on the couch touching his forehead." Ryu?.. " I asked he then looks at me then looks at me with lustful eyes.

He pinned me against the wall." R-Ryu..? " I nervously said while Ryu leans more closer.He then pressed his lips against mine.His kiss tuned into a french kiss.

My eyes went wide.Normally,Ryu would  do just a peck on the lips.I was pushing him away to catch my breathe but he's too strong.

I then tried to push him away with my every strenght.Ryu then opened his eyes then let's go.my legs went wobbly and I flopped onto the ground.I breathe heavily then looked at Ryu who was wanting more than that kiss.

Ryu crouch down and I hesitantly look onto his eyes. " [Y/N],look at me. " Ryu said while trying sitting down.I looked  onto his eyes,that was full of lust.I was deeply scared by him and at the same time loved him.

" [Y/N],do you love me?~ " Ryu asked leaning a bit close." Y-yes.. " I replied nervously.Ryu then kissed me more lustful than the last time.

He then stops then went to my shoulders and licks it.I tried to push him away,but he's too strong.He then found my sensitive spot ,and then he bites onto it then sucks it.

My tears went down.Ryu then stops,leaving a purple hickey in my skin then looks at me then wipes off the tears.
" Ugh..S-stop it.. " I cried softly then covered my face.He then puts my head gently onto his shoulder,then gently rubbed my back.

"  I love you. " Ryu said.I hugged him and then stopped crying.I look into his eyes with my puffy eyes then gave him a peck on his lips." I love you too. " I said with a small smile.

I then rest onto his shoulders then sleeps there.

-next day-

I woke up from the bed.I sat up straight then went to the living room.I saw Ryu on the couch watching news.He noticed me and then he went up to me.

" [Y/N],I'm sorry I drink yesterday!! " Ryu said worriedly.I smiled at him and then hugged him tightly.He was startled at my action,he hugs me back then pats my head gently.

He put my [H/C] strand behind my ears,he was smiling then he saw a hickey on my skin.

" Did I do that?... " Ryu said.I didn't hear a worried tone in his voice.I nodded then he smiled at me.

" That's good to know that I gave you a hickey.So that the others must know.Your MINE.~♡ "

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