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"[Y/N],Who will you choose to play pocky with?" They both asked me.

"Yeah,..I think that Mizuki is right.
Its been so long since we've seen each other." I said while worried I will hurt Ryu's feelings.

"Alright,dear costumers please sit on this table and let the game begin!
Ah,yes,I forgot the milk---I mean,AHEM,I forgot the rules." A servant with a mascot milk said.

"The rule is very easy,You just need to eat each others pockies until it reached its lips of the other~!
Oh and,if the pocky broke,while eating it,you will autimatically disqualified!" The milk said.

'L-lips!? R-RYU!!' I thought while I avert my gaze at Ryu who was clenching his fist in anger and gritting his teeth.

He noticed my gaze and smiled then waved.I felt a hand pinch my cheeks that made me surprised,it was Mizuki who was smiling.

"Hey,we are about to play,just focus on the game,okay?" Mizuki asked whiel smiling but his eyes was very serious. (That you didn't noticed there was a hint of jealous inside of its orbs)

As the milk mascot servant signalled 'GO',Mizuki get a one piece of pocky and put the end of the pocky in my lips.Of course,I bit onto it so that it wouldn't fall.Mizuki bit on the other end.

-Ryu POV-

That little sh*t!
How dare he play a game with my dear [Y/N]!?

Thinking of them kissing infront of me just wanted to peel off that b*stards skin off and put it onto my wall.

Ah~ all I just wanted is [Y/N] locked up in my basement and staying there forever.

I thought of [Y/N]'s delicate [S/C] clor of skin that I want to bite into.
[Y/N]'s  blood must be very delicious.Ah~ her soft lips touching mine.

Reality sunk into me when that annoyingly milk mascot told Mizuki and [Y/N] that they are almost there.

I watched them both nibbled onto the pocky until it parted their lips.Of course,such a thing would happen,I punched Mizuki acrossed the face before he could kiss [Y/N].


-[Y/N] POV-

I was stunned when Ryu suddenly punched Mizuki very aggressively.
'This must be...JEALOUSY!?' I thought while my cheeks are pink.

I looked around us an saw  Mizuki on the ground and Ryu standing high abuove him.I saw Ryu's face,his expression definitely p*ssed

When Ryu was about to launch another fist,I grabbed his arm and shaked my head."[Y/N]..." Ryu said as he lowered his arm in defeat.

Me  and Ryu looked around us and saw many people looking at our direction.Ryu gritted his teeth in anger.

I patted Ryu's back gently,I look back at Mizuki and his face was the same as Ryu.

-Mizuki POV-

Just when I was about to kiss my dear [Y/N] in the lips,that f*cker messed it up!

Man,I've never been punched this badly in my whole life.He sure had the balls to punch me.

Just you wait you little f*cker!
I'll make you regret onto this day.


I'll torture you until you beg to stop~!

Ah~,that felt good,but,right now,I need to make [Y/N] think I'm innocent--

"Mizuki-kun,I'm sorry I need to get home now! Ryu is feeling ill.I'm severely sorry!!" [Y/N] bowed as she  apologies.

This f*cker wanted [Y/N] and me to depart,so that he could have her all by himself.Clever little f*cker.

"Would you like me to come with you? Luckily,my father is a doctor,he teach me someways I can help." I lied.Of course.,I wanted [Y/N] all by myself,I'm doing this for her risk.

"R-Really!?" [Y/N] said with sparkles in her eyes.Heh,cute.I just wanted to picture her face and body..

"AHEM!!" A voice said with a crack that caught all off our attention "Seems like you forgot about the commotion you did.I would like all
of you to please leave and never come back." A middle-aged woman said that looked like the manager.

[Y/N] who was very kind apologies of our actions and left.

As we we're walking,I halt,[Y/N] noticed and stopped too,and of course,the f*cking b*stard too.

"Why?" [Y/N] asked whiel tilting her head sidewards in confusion,which makes her cuter than before.F*ck,I can't control myself.

I walk  closely to [Y/N] who was still confused.I leaned closer to her then kissed her on the lips.That b*stard,yank [Y/N] closer to him and tried to punch me again but,I dodged it.

I look at [Y/N] who was blushing and touching her soft lips.

This feeling of her lips onto mine is so good..I want her tounge,yet,I just wnate her blood next.

Ah~,maybe I should murder that boyfriend of hers then I could have [Y/N] all for myself ONLY.

I controlled my lips to formed into a pshychaotic smile,so that [Y/N] will not be scared of me.

"I'll see you soon. [Y/N]." I bid my farewell at my wonderful future-bride-to-be with a smile.

-[Y/N] POV-

I can't tell why,why..? Mizuki kissed me on the lips..

But,why does his lips felt so cold as Ryu's..?

I don't  know why but when Mizuki bid farewell,I had a gut feeling that I should never see him again.

Shiver went down my spine when Ryu called me.My eyes were full of terror I freezed.


Why does it feel like someone is telling me to cut ties with them?


Why do I see illusions in my head that Ryu is killing [F/N]?

Why does it feel like..?

Ryu is hiding something from me?

Wait,..Do I really loved them..?

(Alright my milks,I will explain the malk.

So,[Y/N] was been drugged by someone who is special,I won't tell you òwó.

[Y/N] caught Ryu killing in act [F/N]  when [Y/N] is in I won't tell you too! Because its a surprise.

That's all my milks,
Thanks for reading!

[Be safe]

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