The Truth.

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After I fled outside of our, the apartment. I went inside to a nearby convenience store and rummage through my pockets.

I started to feel the cold as I tried to look after my phone.

You've got to be kidding me!

I tried to double-check to make sure I didn't miss a spot but,.. deep down,I knew my phone was still in the apartment.

I started to panic while pretending to search for foods through the aisles,I don't want to let them knew I came here just for nothing!

Ok,.. calm down [Y/N],.. its going to be okay..!

I just need to tell them what happened..

I took one baby step to the clerk but suddenly,I halted.

But,... What if they just say,this is normal for every couple?

What if they thought I'm just pranking them or joking..?

What if,..

Many kinds of question started to flow through my head as  I clench onto my shirt.

Ahh,.. I hate this..

Tears started to form at the corner of my eyes as my mind started to remember my brother and my watch list of animes.

I,.. I just want to go home and be with [B/N]... I just want to lay in bed and watch animes..

Suddenly,I felt a tap on my shoulder. I got startled and look behind me as tears started streaming down my cheeks.

Ah,.. its Saikawa..

I hurriedly hug her as I started sobbing on her shoulder.

I don't care if someone sees us,or am I embarrassed,I just wanted to hug someone real bad.


Me and Saikawa is in the park. We're both sitting on a bench and the sky is very full today.

It gets really chilly on nighttime so Saikawa lend me her jacket. She even buy me dinner,.. what a saint..

"So uh,... I'm sorry if I can't really comfort you right now,.. 'cause I'm bad at comforting.." she said as she hope it lighten up the mood.

"Its fine,.. you don't need to talk,.. what you did to me is a big help today.." I reassured her.

We both stayed quiet after I replied. The mood wasn't awkward,it was comforting .

"I'm really glad that I met you.." I said as I stare at the swing.

I look at [Y/N] as she stare at the swing. I felt a pang on my chest as I saw her eyes with fear and confusion.

I clench onto my sweater as I started to blame myself to what happened.

Even if she won't tell me what happened,I already knew.

I bit my bottom lip from guilt as I seen her trembling in the convenience store.

I don't want this anymore..

"Hey,.. what's wrong?" I look at
[Y/N] as she look at me with worry.

I hate this..

I stand up from the bench and look at her with guilty eyes.

"Hey? Why did you---

"I HELPED RYU MANIPULATE YOU!" I shouted while clenching both of my fists and forcing to close my eyes.

I didn't want this..

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now