Thank you + Special Chapter!

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Hello there my freshes milks!!

Author here,I just wanna say..


Liek,Oh my~

And since I'm a good author,I'll be giving y'all a special chapter!





I woke up by my weird dream.

In my dream,I am in a white blank room,and I am just staring at myself in the mirror.

I noticed that Ryu wasn't besides me,which made me confuse.

I fix the bed sheets,of course,I knew how,because Ryu teach me.

After I fix the bed sheets,I went to the bathroom and wash my face.

I was about to go,to the living room when I was taken aback by everyone's shouts.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shouted.

Everyone,including Ryu,Mizuki,[B/N],Yui and a weird person who has a milk costume on?

"Happy Birthday,[Y/N]." Ryu greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

My face went pink.

"W,what's all this?" I asked,confused.

"Did you forgot?" [B/N] asked "Its your birthday today!"

Ryu held my hand then let us boths at down on the dining table.

"Lets eat?" Ryu asked.I responded with a nod.

Ryu got me a/an [F/F] (favorite food).

"[Y/N],can I feed you?" Ryu asked.

I hesitantly nodded.

Ryu grab the spoon/fork then feed me.

I'm a bit embarassed,because Yui,[B/N] and Mizuki is watching us being lovey-dovey.

"[Y/N],can I fill your thirst?" Ryu asked.

I don't know why,but,when he said that,I started to think of Yaoi,filling their,ahem,thirst with each other.

Well,at the thought of that,my face started heating up.

I look at Yui who was holding my brother tightly to prevent some violence to Ryu.

I somehow saw Mizuki with a scary look when he look at us,but maybe,I was just imagining things.

I nodded to Ryu,and Ryu smiled.

When Ryu was about to gave me the cup of water,he drink it.

I'm confused.Is he joking?

Then,suddenly,I felt someone touch my lips then with water they flow.

It took me minutes to know what's going on,when I just know.

Ryu kissed me on the lips,then he pass the water with his lips.

I was taken aback,then Ryu look at me with a grin.

I know,I must've look like a tomato right now,but,who won't?

Today is my birthday,and my birthday gift from Ryu,was a kiss.

~||Love Me~||~[Yandere Boyfriend x Otaku Reader]//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now