It's only just beginning..

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When you were walking to your department you heard gossips everywhere with your boyfriend.There was one gossip you clearly hear from the others was "I heard the new guy is going to be hot." 

I payed no attention to it because of all the work I was been pressured to.When me and Ryu departed ways,because he is on the major courses while I'm on the upper course.((Sorry guys,but the author here don't really know about college thingies because she's still on about lower than college thingsss,not telling you though.))

I was walking to my class when I bumped into someone.I look up then saw a guy who looks kind of familiar.The guy then look back at me "Wait a minute,you look kind of familiar..." He said while leaning closer.He was too close,i was taken aback by his closeness by our faces so I stepped back.

"[Y/N]!?" He shouted.I then remembered! He's Mizuki,woah,he gone more taller than before and more handso-----SNAP OUT OF IT [Y/N]!! you have a boyfriend,keep that in mind.

Me and Mizuki hang out alot after we both bumped into each other.I'm glad he's still the same.Then,Lunchtime came by.Of course,every lunchtime me and Ryu would spend our time together.

I invited Mizuki to our little circle and went to a small bench where me and Ryu always go at whenever its lunchtime.

Mizuki and I are eating hotdogs and softdrinks.I look at Mizuki who is looking at his phone while turning his side back at me.When I didn't know that his on camera mode and took alot of pictures of me.

~Ryu POV~

The class ended as usual,but,why does it feel like I need to run to [Y/N]...? 

I quickly run towards the place where me and [Y/N] always have lunch at.When I got there,i saw my precious [Y/N] with another man!

I then walk towards them "Hm? Ah,Ryu!" [Y/N] said with a smile.I smile in return,then averts my gaze to that man sitting besides her.I was angry and furious,I don't know why..

I noticed that the guy sitting beside my precious [Y/N] glaring at me.I glared back at him.'Stay away from my [Y/N].'  I said in eye contact.

"Uhmm..ano..Ryu." I avert back my eyes at my [Y/N] who is stuttering."Yes,[Y/N]?" I said while smiling."I you." [Y/N] said while her face is red."Oh,[Y/N].." I said with a dear voice then gently pats her head.

"I love you too." I said while looking at her beautiful [E/C].It was so peaceful when suddenly the guy whom I hated the most called her by her name "[Y/N.".How dare he carelessly call her by her first name! 

[Y/N] then shifts her head to that guy "Yes?" [Y/N] said.I gritted my teeth "Let's get to class,it's about time." He said."Ah,right.I forgot to introduce myself.My name is Mizuki Minatozaki,nice to meet you Ryu Ogawa." Mizuki said with an evil smile.

'F*ck you.' I thought as I clenched my fist.

"It's only just beginning."

It's so short,I know..

I sort of run out of ideas because I'm into kuuderes' now

OOF--- I said too much ;w;

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