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I am wearing a white T-shirt with black stripes while wearing a black skirt above my knees.My hair is tied in a bun and I'm wearing white rubber shoes."[Y/N],are you done?" Ryu asked "Yeah,let's go?" I asked,Ryu hummed in agreement.

Ryu and I went to the café a bit longer than expected.We both went there about 2 hours.I went inside the café to see Mizuki at a table using his phone.I waved hello to him and he noticed then waved back,but then when he saw Ryu,suddenly,Mizuki got a bit dark.

I hold Ryu's hand and went to Mizuki's table."What took you so long?" Mizuki asked  "Ah,Ryu said that the taxi is a bit late and I have to wait inside the apartment but,I didn't noticed I dozed off." I said before I giggle "Ah,I see." Mizuki said,for a split second,I think I saw Mizuki frowning at Ryu.

"A-ah..I see your friends are already here.M-may I get your orders?" The waiter asked nervously.'Why is she nervous,and most of all,she is sweating alot...maybe,she's just nervous,cause mabye this is her first day.' I thought "[Y/N],what would you like? It's on the house." Mizuki asked me while smiling,I smiled back "I would like the hm....anything Ryu would like,except for the spicy ones" I replied then looked at Ryu smiling,Ryu smiled back.

"Then I would like the donuts and hot milks" Ryu answered to Mizuki "Yeah." Mizuki said.A bit of hour later after eating and chatting together when-- "Excuse me,would you guys like to join the pocky game?" A diffrent waiter asked.'Wait..p-pocky game!?' I thought while my face is red.I think of Ryu and Mizuki doing the pocky while I'm in the back recording with my phone and saving it in my gallery.

"Ehhh...? Really?" Ryu said with a creepy smile on his face when I looked at him,a shiver sent down my spine,I look at Mizuki  who is doing the same smile like Ryu had.

"Let's play?" Ryu asked me while holding my hand and leaning close."Y-Y..yeah." I replied."Ne~ [N/N]...it's been so long since,how about let's play?" Mizuki disturbed.Ryu looked at him with anger "Your just [Y/N]'s friend and I'm her boyfriend." Ryu said with a glare while holding my hand tightly.'It hurts..' I thought.

"Oh~ really? I won't kiss her...yet." Mizuki said with a sly grin.Ryu and Mizuki glared at each other then look back at me.

"[Y/N],Who will you choose to play pocky with?" They both asked me.

Hello! It's the Author,today I will be saying this.You must pick Ryu or Mizuki to play pocky with.Whoever gets the most comments,you will be playing pocky with them,but,I must say,you must do it wisely or else someone will die. :)

Ogawa Ryu


Minatozaki Mizuki

BONUS{You can pick this one too}

Choose wisely my lovely readers!

{I decided that the Bonus route will be secret}

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