Quick Fanservice!{1}

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Hello everyone!
Its me the author.
I've always wanted to give you all a quick Fanservice with Mizuki and Ryu!

This first Fanservice is all fluff and soft. ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

The second Fanservice is all smexy and smut. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you don't like some limes and lemons,please be sure to tell me so that I could cancel from doing that work.. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

That's all for today,please enjoy!



I came home late from school and went open the lights to see if Ryu is home.

When I knew Ryu is home,I went to the fridge and grab some snacks.

I grab [F/S] (favorite snack) and went to the couch and sat down.

I began eating [F/S] while drinking water and started thinking about what should I do tomorrow.

Suddenly I felt big arms around my neck and a person's skin beside my cheek.

"[Y/N],.. are you tired..?" Ryu ask after he kiss my cheek.

"Yep,.. I still need to do my homework before going to bed,and I need to meet someone tomorrow for my project from Professor Fukari.." I said tiredly.

Ryu went besides me and hug me from the sides while I was eating my snack.

"[Y/N],.. who are you going to meet tomorrow..?" He ask while hiding his face in my neck.

"My classmate,Yuno-chan." I replied while patting his head as I munch.

Ryu sighed and hugged me tightly.

Is he jealous..?

I thought as my face began to heat up.

Ryu pull away from the his tight hug and look at me with a smile.

"Your tired right?" He ask with a smile.

"Yeah,but I'm not that tired.. why?" I replied.

"Hmm,.. Then,would you want me to make you sleep?" He ask again.

"If you can." I replied.

He grab my snack and put it on our coffee table and hold my hand and reach our destination. Our room.

My face started to heat up when I remembered the yaoi manga I read before coming inside the apartment.

"Lay down in bed." He demands(?).

I obeyed his demand and lay down in bed.

Ryu tuck me in the blanket and started to massage my feet.

My face heated again by embarrassment but started to feel more comfortable and sleepy.

After Ryu massage my feet he went besides me and kiss my forehead then close the lights of our room and cuddled me tightly in his embrace.

I hugged back and I started to think his actions are pretty cute.

"[Y/N],I love you~" He confess with a soft voice near into my ear.

"I love you too.." I replied back to his confession and slowly but surely,..

I slept.

[Mizuki] FLUFF

I stared at my phone for minutes before the professor finished the class.

Before I could get up my sit,Mizuki went inside my classroom and sat besides me.

"What are you doing here,Mizuki?" I ask while I fix my bag.

Mizuki smiled and held my hand tightly.


"I want us both to go on a date!" He replied.

My face heated then I look away to cover my embarrassing red face.

"W,.what!? But,I have a boyfriend..!" I shouted.

Good thing all of the students inside went out first or else this will be embarrassing..

"Ehh~? But,you can have an affair to this handsome friend of yours~" he purred.

Mizuki confessed his feelings to me 3 days ago,and of course,.. I reject him.

After the confession,he started to become more and more clingy.

He really is such a stubborn person..

"Mizuki,no.." I rejected him while I look into his eyes.

How can I stop falling inlove with you when you're just too cute..

"Hmph!" He pouted.

I gave out a chuckle and pat his head.

"Don't misunderstand. I felt sympathetic for you." I defend myself while chuckling.

Mizuki later then gave me and embrace.


Why isn't he letting go!?

I thought to myself while patting his back.


"... lets just stay like this a little longer." He said as I could feel his trembling back.

Is he sad..? Scared? Why?


"Are you okay..?" I ask.

Mizuki turn his direction to mine. We both look at our faces for minutes.


When suddenly,I felt a soft touch in my lips.


I thought as I froze in my spot as Mizuki went to the exit.

He turn his back at me with a smile and wink,then he left.

D,..did he just purposely pretended to be scared to caught me off guard!?

I thought with annoyance.

But,.. when we both look at each other,.. why did he looked like he is enjoying something..?

Just now,.. Mizuki was smiling weirdly.. or is it just my imagination..?

I shrugged off my thoughts then went home with Ryu.

//826 words\\

I'm sorry if its short!! ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

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