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This song gave me inspiration and reminds me of parties


Loud music blared through large speakers. It smelled of beer and sweat because of all of the drunk people dancing around me.

Alejandro insisted we go to this party because he thought we all needed girlfriends. I personally didn't want one but why would I say no to a party?

There were dudes and girls all around getting really close to each other and doing other things I wouldn't like to get into. It was like any cliche party you'd see in a movie. Everyone dancing, the only lights illuminating the room being colorful bright ones that flashed, red solo cups everywhere, and a lot of beer.

I didn't do much besides wandering around and observe other people. It sounds creepy but I was just really bored.

I heard familiar voices coming from near the stairs. I walked back to where I could hear it and peered over the corner.

Alvaro was leaning against the wall and Alejandro was in front of him, almost against him. Their faces were really close and Alvaro was giggling at almost everything the other said.

"Nice girlfriend guys" I said and finally stepped around the corner. "Kai we can explain" Alejandro said, distancing himself from Alvaro.

I put my hands up in surrender and stepped back. "Woah woah woah. Do whatever you want. I'll always support you so you can kiss or whatever" I finally said and went back to wandering.

I was very content with what just happened. I always knew they had something. They would just never admit it.

I then noticed Roshaun with a girl. They looked like they were getting along well and Roshaun looked happy. His luck with relationships wasn't the best but I had a good feeling about this girl. She wasn't all over him physically like everyone else and her laughs were genuine.

I went to the kitchen for something to drink and went for the soda. As soon as I took a sip I spit it out. There was definitely alcohol in it.

"Hey you're Kairi right?" This random girl I've never seen before came up to me. She grimaced at the soda I spit on the floor.

"Who's asking?"

"Mattia told you to go to the basement"

I raised my eyebrows with a confused look on my face.

"What how do you know him? Also how did you know who I was?" I asked. It kind of weirded me out considering I've never met this girl.

"Long story short, I wanted to hang out with him and he made a lame excuse about needing to tell you something so he asked me to come get you since he's too scared to be with a girl alone. Anyways he said to look for a guy with a bright orange hoodie on and dark, messy looking, hair. Tell him to have fun and that I had to go, okay? Okay." She quickly explained and walked away.

I just shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the basement. The light was already on and I could hear different audios from tik tok.

Mattia was lying down on a couch and seemed to be scrolling on his for you page. I slowly crept down the rest of the stairs as he took a glance at me.

"Hey Kai... where's Myra?" He checked to see if anyone was behind me. "If I'm being honest.. she didn't want to come back.." I said a little sympathetically. He let out a sigh and sat up.

I took a seat next to him and he turned to me. A smile played at his lips as he continued to stare at me.


He stood up and picked me up so he was holding me by my legs and my face was facing his back.

"Put me down asshole"

"Nope we're leaving let's get out of here"

He finally put me down when we got outside. It was more quiet and the streets were empty considering the late hour and most cars being parked.

"Come on! I know a diner on a hill with a good view!" Mattia said, jogging away.

The wind ruffled our hair as we ran down the streets yelling and laughing. People probably thought we were insane or just being delinquents but we didn't care. All that mattered was the moment itself and us being here.

Mattia has been my best friend for longer than I remember. I always loved him... maybe not all platonically but that didn't matter. I hate when feelings ruin friendships. It's so stupid which is why I've never risked it with Mattia.

After getting our food, we took it outside and sat on the curb. We watched the city lights and few cars quickly passing by. It was nice admiring the view.

"You know what? Now that I think of it... life is literal shit sometimes" Mattia started, staring off into the distance of street lights. I leaned my head on his shoulder and listened intently.

"You know what I mean? Like, we always fuck up and then everything is bad but in reality is it really? So what you get in trouble! Is life even as bad as you picture it? I mean the world is definitely fucked up but not everything. You don't really notice something's beauty. You only see the bad stuff or what it could be. Everything's messed up in society and it's all bullshit..."

I looked at him and opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by my phone. My mom texted me saying I needed to come home.

"Sorry Kai for being a little... much"

"No no you're right... anyways I gotta dip" I said. I did something I never thought I would. I quickly pecked his cheek and ran before he could respond.

this is one of the drafts the former writer wrote. she said i could upload it so yeah!

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