Love me again

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Sorry I'm kinda blind and I really can't tell how many S's there are 👁👄👁

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Sorry I'm kinda blind and I really can't tell how many S's there are 👁👄👁

Also this will be inspired by the video^^ START SONG HERE FOR FULL AFFECT


I walked into the old building, smiling. I hadn't been here in a while but this used to be my safe haven for Samy and I when we were younger. We'd come everyday after school and danced like it was only us two in the room.

The cold railing gave me nostalgia as I jogged up the steps. It's as if everything was coming back.

As I opened the door, music erupted from the large speakers that were displayed on the stage. I took a glance behind me and saw Samy. We stopped talking after our sophomore year of high school. Our attitudes changed and I guess we just started hanging out with other people. Although we had our differences, he smiled at me.

When I saw his face, I realized how much I missed him. I missed his bubbly personality and the way he liked to joke around. I had liked him for a really long time until the summer I became a camp counselor. Sticking around with people wasn't really my thing. I prefer hooking up and occasionally a date but nothing more. Before I found out he was never going to like me back I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with this kid. Now here we are, almost complete strangers.

I looked away and noticed his smile slowly faded away. My friends and I took a seat on the couch, tapping our feet to the music. When I turned in Samy's direction he avoided eye contact with me, walking with his head held high and his jaw clenched.

The short boy ended up sitting on the other side of the room, the couch on that side facing in the direction I was.

Third person

The floor vibrated from the loud music and the people dancing. People spun and laughed without a care in the world. Everyone seemed to be genuinely living in the moment.

Mar looked in the direction of Samy with a certain face. Even though Samy was annoyed of him, he couldn't help but smile. Mar would never admit it but he slightly grinned in return. He still had love for him and it was valiantly obvious.

Samy got up and made his way to the bar. He innocently leaned against the counter, occasionally looking around. He tried not to make it seem like he wanted Mar to approach him but it was quite evident that he did. Who wouldn't guess? It's almost like they were having a staring contest before he got up.

A sudden confidence took over Mariano as he joined Samy, a hand placing on his lower back. "Been a long time, hasn't it?" Mar spoke abruptly. Samy shyly nodded his head. There was a moment of silence between the two until they erupted in laughter. "God, we're so awkward!" Samy sighed with a smile that exposed his teeth.

The moment between the two boys was ruined by each other's friends. "We shouldn't be hanging around these losers... let's go" Samy's friends urged him on. One of them grabbed his wrist and pulled him away. Mar's hand slowly fell down with his smile. "Be careful with who you call losers" Mar's friends scoffed.

Mar then went back to where he was seated before. He watched all the people dancing until his gaze landed on a familiar pair of eyes. Samy held a stare with him as he danced like there was no tomorrow. He then began to walk behind a curtain, motioning for the other to follow.

The two ran down another a different set of stairs than before, going between different tables. "You have no idea how much I've missed you" Mar said breathily with his face close to Samy's. They both lightly chuckled when they heard footsteps from the people dancing above them.

Samy grabbed Mar's hand and led him to where the sounds were more faint. Again, the two stood close to each other. "You're so pretty" Mar mumbled sweetly to the shorter boy. "Shut up and kiss me bitch" Samy said before smashing their lips together. They were in pure bliss. They hadn't even noticed that their friends had walked in. Mar only continued to pepper kisses all over the shorter boy's face.

"What is this?" One of them spoke. The two boys that were once kissing, ran from their friends. They laughed with not one care. The friends of the both of them began fighting right before they left but that didn't matter not one bit to them.

They looked back, but only once. The only thing heard from the two was their laughter.

Just by the holding of hands and the way they looked at each other, you could tell they were in love. There was no denying it.

They ran outside into the streets and then bam -! A car rushed by, hitting the couple, leading them to their death and their experiences in the afterlife.

The song will most likely not be over

Also I'm spamming so ye but they're all prewritten

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