Daybreak: 1

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I forgot one of the cast members

I forgot one of the cast members

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Mʀ. DɪCᴀᴘʀɪᴏ as Mʀ. Bᴜʀʀ

Glendale High school

"It's a beautiful day, eighty-two degrees of opportunity" Mr. DiCaprio's voice said through the loud speaker of the school. He continued to give the morning announcements, none of the students really listening, mentioning the upcoming homecoming dance.

"Thank you for those inspiring words" spoke Ms. Cox, a biology teacher that worked at Glendale High. After the announcements she continued where she left off when taking role, naming multiple boys with the same name. "Jackson Felt?" She looked up at to the class. "New phone, who dis?" He obnoxiously joked, the teacher being anything but impressed.

"Alejandro Rosario?" Scanning the room, no one appeared to be him. "Rosario, Alejandro Rosario?"


That would be me. Alejandro, obviously, not one of many Jacksons. An ordinary, boring, C student. Nothing special.

Every day was the same as the one before.. well that used to be true. Things are different now. There was a huge explosion. A life changing event.

Now I'm an A student and no I'm not talking about grades. I mean A as in awesome. A as in apocalypse. The best thing that has ever happened to me. You have no idea how sweet the end of the world really is.

Everything is free. If you find it it's yours! People left everything they had behind which gave me the chance to just have it all. There aren't adults to stop you. They're all gone if they were over the age of eighteen.

Now I know what you're thinking, did they all just disappear? Well not exactly. The ones that didn't become goo became what I like to call 'ghoulies'. They sound like they're talking to each other but all they're saying is their stupid last thought they had. The only thing they crave is blood which is why they eat us kids.

Life is basically like living in Grand Theft Auto in a way.. just way better. I can do whatever I want as long as I don't enter in anyone else's territory.


The boy walked into an abandoned building and looked at the items inside. A smile grew on his face when he found a katana he had recognized.


Every weapon has its own name. This katana shall be known as Katie.

I began my drive home. My face dropped when I saw a pug in my garage tearing everything apart. Now this is no ordinary pug. It's bigger than a horse. Animals mutated after the explosion and this one happened to find its way into all my shit.

A sigh escaped my mouth when it started taking an actual shit right in front of me. This meant I needed a new place to live.

Shopping for a home is not easy. You obviously can't pick one with an unexploded missile in the front yard! Huge dealbreaker.

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