Sweet Dreams

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This was a request from @Slytherpuff4000

(I don't think it worked)

You have to play the song for the full affect but uhhh you might finish reading before the song ends so yeah


I peeked through the curtains and out the window, looking at the pale blue sky and birds that occasionally passed by. Mattia was rushing to get to work as fast as possible. He woke up late because he stopped his alarm when it went off instead of snoozing it.

"Help me" he said as he gestured toward his tie. He had a big meeting today at the office he worked at. He was one of the major upperclassmen that worked there.

I quickly tied his tie. He pecked my forehead and ran to the door of our apartment. We lived on one of the higher floors.

"Wish me luck" he hollered before grabbing his briefcase. "I love you!" And with those last words said, he was gone.

I noticed he forgot to lock the door. Mattia always locked the door because he said that he would always protect me and he couldn't while he was at work. So whenever he wasn't home, the doors were locked. Preventing me from leaving and anyone from coming in.

There were footsteps in the hallways of the apartment complex that echoed and voices too. It was almost foreign to hear so many things at once. Imagine how many other things there are that I don't really recognize. Just the thought of it made excitement bubble within me.

The door sounded obnoxiously loud when I opened it. I looked down to see carpeted floors. When we first moved here they were wooden floorboards. I thought to myself.

I skipped across the hall, to the elevator. A man, on the phone, stood by the buttons. He tipped his hat and smiled to me as a greeting. I smiled brightly and waved vigorously in response.

After reaching the bottom floor the man walked off. I walked off too, already knowing where I wanted to go just not knowing exactly where it was. "Hello ma'am! I need help finding a place I don't know the name of.. it's a park and I know it has a giant fountain in the center" I said to the receptionist at the front desk. She gave me the directions but while I was listening I noticed a small bowl with small pill shaped things.

"What are those and can I have one?" I said curiously. She let out a laugh and sighed "yeah go ahead, they're mints." I always thought mints were red and white and a little bigger. Another thought came to mind.

I ran through the odd spinning door and caught Mattia getting into a black car. The car had already driven off before he could see me. I'm glad he didn't. He would get angry if he knew I left and I don't like when he's angry. It gets scary sometimes.

My journey to the park continued after the distraction. Cars moved too fast for my liking and pigeons seemed to leave droppings every five seconds. Ew. But it was all worth it in the end when I reached the fountain.

Before Mattia and I moved in together this is where we would meet up. There was a trail that we would follow while we talked.

I began to follow that trail I could never forget until someone turned me around by my shoulder. "Hello young man" a man with a long beard spoke. He had a smile plastered on his face but he gave me an uneasy feeling. He smelt of smoke and cheap cologne. "H-hi.. please don't touch me" I stuttered, pushing his hand off.

"What's your name?" He said, completely ignoring my comment. I started to get really uncomfortable when he continued to take steps forward. "I like your hair" he reached out to touch it, his dirty fingers only grazing the tips. "I said don't touch me!" I swatted his hand away.

His fake smile drooped and his eyebrows furrowed. "I tried to do this the easy way but I guess you want the hard way" after speaking those words he lunged at me.

I jumped back and started to run. He followed in pursuit but tripped, grabbing my leg in the process as he fell. He started to drag me towards him. Tears welled in my eyes as his hands kept getting closer to places I did not want him to touch. He was close until I realized my other leg was free. With my free foot I kicked him in the face. He winced in pain and moved back. With the leg that he was once grabbing, I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

I started to run back to the only safe place I had. In my apartment with Mattia.


I exited the elevator with a big smile on my face. The meeting went well and I was excited to tell Kairi. I loved telling him because he always showed interest.

I walked through the somewhat empty hall with long strides. My face dropped and my steps slowed when I saw the door was open. I quickly ran to the door and looked inside.

"Kairi?" I called out with worry. Not only was I worried but I was frustrated.

How did I not lock the door? He knows he shouldn't leave. What was he thinking? What was I thinking?

I started to run my fingers through my hair. I even tugged on the ends. It was a habit it had when I was stressed.

Is he coming back? My mind started to race. Kairi would never leave like this. Not Kairi. Not MY Kairi.

I began to hyperventilate until something in my mind seemed to click. Just wait. He'll come.

Time skip

It had been a long fifteen minutes when I heard the door slam open and heavy breathing. I ran in the same direction and saw Kairi with his back leaned against the door. Tears silently streamed down his face.

I was upset with him but when I saw his scared face I knew I couldn't yell at him.

He stared at me blankly until I wrapped my arms around him and he broke down. He sobbed into my shoulder and tried to explain what happened. He could only muster a few words and even the few he said were inaudible since my shirt muffled his words.

"Shhh. I'm here now. No one can hurt you anymore"

Time went by and slowly his crying started to subdue until he drifted off to sleep. I lifted him up and took him to our shared room. I laid him down on the bed and laid next to him myself. I lightly kissed the back of his neck.

"As long as I'm alive no one will ever hurt you and I'll make sure of it. God is my witness" I whispered.

"Sweet dreams"

Thanks for the help :)

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Thanks for the help :)

Over 1000 words :)

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