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This one's gonna be alevaro (Alejandro x Alvaro)


Alejandro Rosario.

Everyone knows who he is. The trouble maker. The most obnoxious, cocky, and selfish person you'll ever meet. If I had a dollar for every single time he caused an eye rolling moment I'd be rich. I'm surprised my eyes aren't stuck that way.

All the girls swoon over him. I mean who wouldn't? It's like any other cliche high school movie. He's the 'bad boy' that everyone wants. He probably does every bad thing imaginable.

He doesn't look the part. He has brown skin, gelled hair, he's tall, fit, and has a sense of style.

People make a path for him every time he walks through the halls so they don't bump into him.

Nobody. I mean nobody, looks him in the eye. That is until today. When I boldly took that chance.

"What're you looking at pretty boy? Like what you see?" He starts with the same cocky attitude I'm used to hearing.

"You can dream" I said while shutting my locker and starting to walk away. He gripped my backpack and pulled me back. I tried not to let the fear show through me.

"Look who's tough now? You scared I might hurt you?" He said with a smile on his face that was inches away from mine. I guess I was more transparent than I thought.

"Can I go to class now?" I said as I heard the late bell ring. No one bothered to help me. It's not that they didn't care. It's that they were too scared.

"Nope. Let's go on a trip." He draped his arm over my shoulders and guided me out of school grounds and to a park. He made his way to the swings and made a gesture for me to sit down.

"You're not gonna beat me up?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. He stifled a laugh and gave me a playful glare.

"Why would I? Do I have a reason to?"

I shook my head. I started to swing my legs back and forth, thinking about what he said.

"Wait but don't you like... get everything you want? Like you do whatever you want?"

"What do you mean whatever I want and everything I want?" He had a slight smile on his face. I noticed he had dimples. I never noticed it before. Now that I think of it I don't ever think I've seen him smile.

"I mean like don't you sell drugs and shit? Like I've heard you have a lot of money and your parents don't care about the shit you do." I said, spitting out what's been on my mind for quite some time.

"Okay first of all I don't sell drugs. That's a rumor. Second, my parents do care. They're divorced so whenever I'm with either of them, they're usually at work, trying to help piece together my future. I only have 'a lot of money' because, like I said, both my parents work and they always try to give me anything they think I need." He sounded ashamed. He kept his gaze focused on his feet that lightly kicked the wood chips below him.

"Oh.. I didn't know that... so like you don't get blowjobs from all the girls at our school?" I asked. The question had been nagging at the back of my head. Surprisingly, he laughed.

"What the fuck I'm gay" he continued to laugh.

A weight that I didn't know was there, lifted off my shoulders. Maybe he wasn't everything people made him out to be. He was literally like anyone else.

"This entire time I literally thought you were an absolute asshole"

"Oh I am! Just not to people like you" he said, the words confusing me.

"What do you mean people like me?"

"I mean people who are carino"

"What the fuck does that mean? Is that even English?" I said with a puzzled expression. He got up and started to walk away in the opposite direction of the school.

"Picked it up from an old Italian friend of mine"

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