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was inspired by this tweet from a little while ago


A loud ding came from my phone. I looked at the notification. 'kairi so smol' a tweet from Mattia read. "Ew you creep stop talking about me" I looked up at Mattia who was sitting across the room. He let out a breathy laugh and ignored me. "And I'm not small" I mumbled and pulled a hoodie over my head. A stifled laugh came from Mattia's mouth. "Yes you are shut up."

Getting into arguments with him got boring so I decided to just let it go and turn my chair around so I didn't have to face him.

"See? Smol" I felt a large pair of hands pick me up like a baby. It took me a second to process what was going on but when I finally did, my face flushed red and I slapped his chest. "Put me down. I am not small" I began to kick to weaken his grasp. Apparently I didn't think that through very well since my ass hit the ground with a thump. "Fuck you! Now help me up bitch" Mattia towered over me with a sly smile on his face. "Nope. You're a big boy now so you can do it yourself" he patted my back and walked back to the bed he was sitting on. "That's not fair! You were the one that dropped me in the first place plus you were the one who was calling me small like a second ago!" He stroked his chin as if he were in deep thought. "Well I said you were smol not small. And you are but you won't admit it so I can't help you" he crossed his arms with a stupid smile on his face."So you're saying I have to admit I'm smol and you'll help me?" Mattia nodded his head with pride.

He always manages to do stuff like this to me! No matter what he never lets me win! "I'm not doing that! I'll do anything else!" Mattia got up and made his way to my side. "You lazy ass. You know you can get up yourself right? So stubborn" he jokingly squeezed my cheeks. I spit in his face to keep space between us. "Fine. Give me kith and I'll help you up" he puckered his lips in a mocking sense.

Mattia always manages to make a fool out of me. Well not this time. It's his turn!

I grabbed his face and kissed him. "I win. Help me now" I made grabby hands for him. He stayed in place for a second. "Chop chop!" He snapped out of his daze and picked me up. I pecked him on the cheek and smiled. "Thank you my prince"

babi kai short and wholesome for a change

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