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Watch the video to picture it kind of... I was inspired by a song again


All we want is to be saved. There's two sides. We live on one side and they live on the other. The only thing separating us being the ocean.

We keep watch in the slowly decaying buildings to see if there are any wanderers. It's what we call the ones that come from the other side. They don't know who we are and what we do. That's why they come. They want to find out who we are and what they can use us for. They don't think we're ordinary people but there's nothing we can do because we have no way to get across.

Usually there are four watchers to check for wanderers. I've been a watcher since I was nine but today was different. There had been a disease going around. Our population is starting to decrease slowly and nobody wants to die before they can see the other side so people didn't risk coming.

There usually isn't ever wanderers. If there ever is, they're thirty to forty years old. I usually just try to see them and the others take them to the inner circle. The inner circle is where the woman with jules and gems decide the fate of the wanderers. They're in the circle because of the rubies on their body. Men don't ever get them and they're the only one's on the island with them.

The inner circle normally tests the wanderers to find out if their the one that's destined to save us. They fight against one of the men that is in the same age range and if they win. They can help us. Nobody has ever won.

Everyone on the island considers each other family but I don't believe it. My parents left me when I was born. They wanted to see the other side. I have a place of my own and all I ever do is watch whenever I'm not there.

Loud waves crashed onto the rubble, sweeping it away into the deep depths of the ocean. Today wasn't very pretty. The sky was grey, the air smelled of salt, and the waves wildly splashed. Random pieces of rubble washed back up to the shore but one thing in particular looked abnormal.

Then I realized it wasn't a piece of rubble. It was a wanderer.

Never in my life have I ever had to handle a wanderer and I was terrified. It just had to happen when I was alone and nobody could hear my cries for help.

I ran down the stairs and slowly approached the person. They were wearing all black and their hood was up so I couldn't tell if it was a male or female.

The body slowly started to rise and I took a step back.

"Don't move"

They put their hands up and stopped.

"Please don't hurt me I'm just a kid and there are so many things I haven't seen and so many places I haven't been and I-"

"Shut up and calm down"

The voice sounded I little high pitched but I could tell it was a dude. I pulled him up and made him face me.

"Let's get you out of those wet clothes"

He looks too innocent and no matter how guilty I felt, I knew I couldn't let him go to the inner circle. If he fights, he'll get slaughtered.

"Don't kill me! I swear I'll do anything you ask!"

I rolled my eyes at him and lead him to my place. He looked around slightly confused.

"You're not gonna kill me?"

"No dipshit now here you can change over there" I said, pointing to the bathroom and handing him dry clothes. "Oh and before you try to leave, don't. You're safer in here than you are out there. They'll kill you in a heartbeat"

His eyes widened but he didn't say anything. He walked into the bathroom to change and came out moments later. I motioned to the couch so he can sit. He sat down but he was very stiff.

"You still think I'm gonna kill you don't you?"

He nodded rapidly without looking at me. I sat next to him and put my arm around him. His eyes widened even more and, somehow, he stiffened more.

"Oh my god calm down I'm not going to make you bleed or rape you and, frankly, you're not my type"

His shoulders sank and he glared at me. "That's not funny"

"Yeah I figured" I smiled and got up. He finally looked more comfortable and leaned back. I grabbed a blanket and tossed it to him.

"How'd you end up here anyway? Nobody as young as you has ever showed up here" I said while starting a fire. After I finished I sat on the other side of the couch and rested my feet on his lap. He grimaced but decided to ignore it.

"We were planning an attack. A lot of the men from our side wanted this island so they planned on killing off everyone here and taking all the stuff. My dad insisted on me coming because he thought we would make it and we could celebrate our victory. I didn't want to of course because I'm scared of a lot of things. The waters were too rough and we hit a rock so our ship started to sink. Everyone started boarding the life boats but I started to drift away and nobody could hear me. I drifted so far I actually made it here and then met some annoying guy also known as you"

He smiled in the end and I lightly kicked him in the stomach. I also ended up smiling and then flipping him off.

"Wait what's going to happen to me?" He said, starting to tense up.

"You can stay with me if you want or you can try to make something to take you back" I shrugged. I didn't want him to think I was a creepy pervert trying to get into his pants.

"But I don't even know you"

"Hi I'm Mattia and I wasn't wanted by my parents because they wanted a better life without me"

"Hi I'm Kairi and my dad hates me but wants me to spend time with him to magically make me straight"

I like this one a lot

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