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Play the song😌

Request from @Yooo_itsCarmen uhm it might not be how you wanted it because I've never written one of these before so uhh sorry😭


"Save me a dance later, mkay?"

I remember telling Mattia those very words since we were headed to a party.

Mattia gets all the girls so, while he was playing party games, I was sitting on the ground. Holding a cup of soda. Next to a girl named Celia.

She was a little.. much. She's the touchy type but she was the only person who cared to talk to me so I tried not to mind so much.

She hummed while gripping the fabric of my hoodie between her fingers. "I can't wait until the day that I'll get to wear this.. all you have to do is ask me to be yours" she smiled with a glint in her eye that made me uncomfortable. I scrunched you my face and faced her. "Listen Celia.. you're great and all but-"

"Hey Kairi I would love to take that offer for that dance right about now" Mattia said from in front of me. I hadn't even noticed when he got there but I was grateful for his timing. I don't like rejecting people or saying no.

The tall boy helped me up and lead me to this dance floor. "Thanks for helping me-" I started but he rudely interrupted me. "Yeah whatever I don't care. Let's just get this over with so you can find somewhere else to hide and someone else to hide with. That is what you do best anyways, right? You know, switch off with different people" he said with a blank stare. I lightly pushed him to knock some sense into him.

"Mattia it's not like that and you know it. I told you I've had my eye on someone." I was a little hurt not gonna lie.

"Yeah yeah okay. The song's over" he moved his arms away from me. I glared at him and walked over to the kitchen. I hadn't planned on drinking today because I wanted to go home in one piece but Mattia really had me in a bad mood and it's the only way I knew to solve it.

After over five cups of drinks, Celia found me again. She backed me up against a wall and I could already tell what she had in mind. At this point I didn't care anymore so I kissed her. It was a bit sloppy a little gross. Let's just say she had a lot of icky saliva.

But not even a long time into the kiss, I felt eyes on me. I opened mine and glanced around the room but it was too hard to tell. There was so many people and I couldn't concentrate on two things at once. The look I could feel, in my direction, began to give me goosebumps.

I pushed Celia away and ignored her protests as I examined the room. My eyes landed on a pair that were all too familiar. I walked toward the figure and brought him to the spot on the dance floor where we were before.

"What were you looking at big boy?" I said, with an innocent look plastered on my face. He rolled his eyes and avoided looking at me. "Don't feel special. I was looking at the girl not you"

I grinned and leaned closer to him. "Then why are you mad Matti? Shouldn't you be with her instead of me?" I pouted and scrunched my nose up.

"Fine then I'll go find her" he pushed me aside and started to walk in no specific direction.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Mattiaaa Seriously what's wronggg?" I hugged his arm.

"Kairi you're drunk. Get off me." He shoved me to the ground and for a split second his eyes softened. He took a step forward but then turned back around and walked off.


I walked around until I found an empty bathroom. I could just wait here until we all leave. And that's exactly what I attempted to do.

Time went by until I heard a familiar voice coming from outside. It was Kairi. Using a microphone.

I walked out and he was standing on a table. He was rambling until he saw me.

"Big boyyy! I'm sorryyy!" He pouted. People started to record him while I just scratched my head to pretend like I didn't know who he was talking about. "Big boyy! Matti! I know you can hear meee!" He continued to slur. People started to turn in my direction.

I started to walk toward the table he was standing on. "Matti forgive me pleaseee! I'll do anything! Just give me kith and we can-" I covered his mouth so he couldn't finish his sentence. I squeezed my eyes shut, just wishing I could disappear then and there.

I dragged him to the bathroom I was in earlier.

"Mattia why are you mad at me?" He sounded so sad.

"Fuck it you won't remember anyways. Kairi Consentino I like you. I fucking love you but you're too much of a bitch to see that! You kiss any girl you want! When you play chicken with guys you kiss them! You've never kissed me once Kairi! Am I that unbearable!"

My heart hurt and what Kairi did made me feel worse. This boy started to laugh.

"Fuck this shit" I said and hung my head low while he continued to point and laugh at me.

"You're dumb Mattia! Big boy you're dumb!"

"You could've just said you didn't like me back. This is way fucking worse Kairi."

"No big boy. I mean you're dumb, yes, but not for the same reason. I don't kiss you because I don't want my first kiss with you to be over a stupid game. I kissed girls for this very reason. This was the only way I could tell if you really liked me Matti" he said, which was the only time he sounded sober.

"Now gimme kith big boy"

"Kairi you're drunk. You won't remember"

He took out his phone and smashed his lips against mine, taking a picture. "Yes I will"

Hehe I just like this song but uhh it probably hasn't even ended yet since it's so long but yeah

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