Makeup drawer

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Third person

Kairi carefully applied the eyeshadow to his sister's eyelids. He was helping her prepare for a recital she had. His parents were already waiting there. One of her friends was going to pick her up and Kairi was going to stay home because he felt sick.

"You're all set" he smiled at her right when a car honked outside. She quickly thanked him and ran out the door.

The boy glanced down at the tabletop in front of him. Different colors scattered everywhere, that alone making his eyes glow. He sat and thought for a moment. A little couldn't hurt. He picked up a large fluffy brush and began to make his cheeks a rosy red. It wasn't enough to make him look like a clown but it was enough for it to be seen by anyone.

He grabbed a brightly colored tube. "I've never used this shit in my life" he spoke to himself in a hushed voice when the small tube turned out to be mascara. He was hesitant at first but he soon got comfortable and applied the black product. It definitely made his eyelashes look much fuller.

Another smaller tube caught his eye. "Eyeliner" it read. He had always admired the way people could do so much with one product. In excitement he shut one eye and started gently adding small strokes until he reassured himself that he could go faster.

It was all fun and games until he heard the door open, moving his hand and making the eyeliner go in his eye. "Fuck" the liquid stung so bad Kairi started to rub his entire face. It left black splotches everywhere the more he smudged it.

"Oh shit sorry" Mattia being the one who barged in laughed at Kairi. "What did you even do?" He crouched down to Kairi's level to look at his face. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the dark tint on the shorter's cheeks and the black that slid down one side of his face when his eye started to water. "What're you doing?" Mattia laughed but he sounded confused.

As soon as someone walked in Kairi felt like crying but now the feeling was worse when the person turned out to be Mattia.

He ignored Mattia's question and turned away, looking in the mirror. He hated what he saw. Sure the mess on the face was bad but he was only looking at himself. He thought maybe makeup could fix his appearance but in reality it just made him see his flaws more prominently than before.

"Sorry for messing you up" Mattia stood up straight. Kairi was obviously confused. He thought Mattia was going to judge him. "I bet you would've looked great... if it makes you feel better I brought you snacks" the sympathetic boy held up a white plastic bag.

Mattia handed the bag to Kairi who searched through it. The taller had left the room for a split second and returned with a damp warm towel. Kairi's eye was still squeezed shut so he gently rubbed his eyes with the towel.

After assuming his eyelid was clean he began to wipe his entire face to get rid of the makeup. "You don't need this you look fine the way you are" Mattia mumbled loud enough for Kairi to hear. His cheeks flushed redder than when he had blush on.

To avoid saying anything stupid Kairi shoved a handful of gummy worms in his mouth. It hurt his jaw to try and chew them all and he gagged every time some hit the back of his throat.

"Chile with those gummy worms and save some for me!" Mattia snatched the bag from Kairi's hands. "Imagine if we were in a romance movie? Right after I cleaned your face I probably would've kissed you if you hadn't shove all those worms in your mouth" Mattia laughed so hard that his eyes shut.

When he opened them again he looked at Kairi who's cheeks were no longer puffed up because they were no longer full. His laughter died down and his mouth stood agape.

"You're acting sus" Mattia nervously laughed. Kairi just grabbed both sides of his face and smashed their lips together. It took a second for Mattia to react but eventually he did, slipping his tongue into Kairi's mouth. Not even a second later he pulled away. "Your mouth tastes like gummy worms" Mattia stuck his tongue out like a child.

Kairi leaned his head against his chest in embarrassment. "You always ruin everything"

Kinda like it idk

Also I unpublished more chapters but I might just unpublish all of them except for the recent ones
If there are any specific ones you want me to bring back just lmk and I will

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