Sweater Weather

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This one-shot might sound really dumb but idc fight me😠😠 also your pfp still scares me

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This one-shot might sound really dumb but idc fight me😠😠 also your pfp still scares me


A light breeze hit my face while the waves wildly crash from the ocean in front of me. I wasn't very fond of the beach but it gave me the mindset to let my mind wander and think. You also would have never guessed that I live in Los Angeles.

Because of my peripheral vision, I noticed a short figure that stood beside me. "What are you doing here?" I scoffed. "I could ask you the same thing" he said blankly. When I turned to look at him I noticed that he was wearing shorts, white socks that went almost up to his knees, and sun glasses. It was an odd yet adorable way to dress considering it was quite cold.

"You look good.." he finally took a glance at me. He meekly smiled. "Yeah I know.. you tell me all the time even when you know it's not true" I chuckled at his statement. "Well those times, I mean your face. Now I mean, both, your face and outfit" he rolled his eyes at me and slightly pushed my arm.

I watched as seagulls fought for food, well trash, and tried to resist the urge of asking something I had thought about for so long. To no avail, the words came out of my mouth faster than my own heartbeat which had my heart pounding. "Kairi what happened to us? We were friends and you ditched me for your girlfriend... why?"

He laughed dryly and stood up. "You're never happy, are you?" A scoff escaped his lips while he began to walk away. "Where are you going?" I yelled while trying to catch up. I may have longer legs and I may be good at running, but my only weakness is sand. "Anywhere that doesn't have you in it!"

We finally reached the main road again and I continued to follow him. "Someone's a little feisty today" I mumbled jokingly. The short boy then picked up a rock and threw it at me. "Calm down baby! Don't want you to have a temper tantrum!"

"You literally treat me like shit and you still wonder why I don't like being around you?" He got closer to his apartment and started to pick up his pace. "Okay, alright I'm sorry! Please just hold on a second" I grabbed his wrist but he roughly pushed my hand away. "Don't touch me"

Of course, I was mostly messing around, but he looked like he was going to cry. That's when my smile dropped. "Kairi? You know I didn't mean it, right?" He only shrugged his shoulders and looked down. Once again, he made his way to his apartment but this time he didn't object when I followed him.

He unlocked his front door but hesitated. "D-do you want to come in?" The way he twisted his face up concerned me. "Please...?" He sighed but nonetheless, opened the door.

Clothes were scattered across the floor leaving hardly any space to walk. The place reeked of sweat and something that smelled dead. "Kai.." I said sympathetically. I didn't know things were this bad.

"Back so soon?" A voice said from another part of the small apartment. Kairi's eyes widened as he pushed me in a closet, quickly shutting it. "O-oh I thought you would've already left. Uhm yeah I'm back" he tapped his foot rapidly.

Someone I couldn't identify emerged from the doorway to the kitchen. He pushed passed Kairi and left. Kairi let out a sigh of relief and locked the door after the it shut behind him.

"Who the hell was that? Don't tell me you're dating him" I glared at him. He began to pick up the pieces of clothing on the ground and put them in a laundry basket. "Also it looks like a tornado hit in here"

He mumbled something incoherently and scoffed. "Speak up bubs." "I said he comes and goes but why does it matter to you? You're the one who took me to prom as friends and then abandoned me for some chick. And, instead of doing what we planned to, you used our savings to live with her instead of me. Even after all that, you say I left you."

Third person

Kairi was tired of never being first choice for Mattia and it was quite obvious. "Why- why'd you even come here? What do you want?" Kairi's words got caught in his throat. "Because I love you.. you know that"

The boys were conflicted with their own feelings. All Kairi wanted was to be wanted. Mattia didn't even know what he wanted. He wasn't lying when he said he loved Kairi but he simply didn't know in which ways.

"If you truly loved me then we wouldn't be in this mess"

"No, Kairi. We're in this mess because I love you.."

Mattia found the guts to swallow his pride and somewhat tell the shorter boy how he felt. "You have no idea how much I've been trying to avoid this.. to avoid you. I can't stand seeing you with anyone that's not me but I can't see you with me either because I know we're bound to break"

Somehow while they were talking, the two had stopped what they were doing and stared at each other, close in proximity.

Both of their eyes brimmed with tears. They were both angry with each other but, most of all, themselves. They both extended their arms and embraced each other in a hug.

Without actually saying anything, they became official. Mattia held Kairi that night and vowed to never let him go. From then on, Kairi started to lock his door to make sure the sorry ass boyfriend he had wouldn't come back. He didn't need him anymore when he was lonely because he no longer was. He had Mattia.

Kinda depressy while writing this so sorry if it's bad.

The song might not be over again aghhh

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