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The lyrics have nothing to do with the storyline but I liked how it sounded together

There's also going to be a LOT of pov switches


Today was Alejandro's birthday and I managed to convince my mom to let me stay home. He's been upset because his parents and little brother went out of town during his birthday week. We suggested we go to a party but Ale turned down the offer and so we all decided we wouldn't go.

When he disagreed, I knew he was really bummed.

Third person

Alvaro made every food he knew that Alejandro loved. He baked and cooked all day because he thought it could possibly make the other happy. He was actually proud of himself for all the work he did and the time he spent to make the taller boy feel special on his birthday.

The end of the school day was nearing so he had his mom pick up the rest of the group before seventh period. The group consisted of Mattia, Kairi, Robert, Roshaun, Mateo, Taylor, and Vic.


Mattia had a key to Alejandro's house since he used to come almost every day.

He unlocked the door and we all started hanging up balloons and streamers around the house. Vic and Taylor helped me set up the table while the boys tried to make their decorations look as appealing as possible.

The alarm that I set went off and we waited for Alejandro's arrival. I stood by the door so I could see him as soon as he got here while the rest of the group sat on the couch and watched a movie.

As time went on, my legs were starting to give out so I sat at the end of the stairs. "Sorry Aloe.. try outs are about to start and we can't miss it" Vic and Taylor waved, walking out the door. I waved them goodbye.

"Well he's not picking up his phone" Roshaun tossed his phone aside. I just shrugged and anxiously tapped my foot. He's coming. Was all I thought of.


I noticed the distressed look on Alvaro's face. He gets worried easily but, the way I see it, Ale doesn't seem to give a shit about him and it hurts me to watch him suffer. "Hey Alvaro! Why don't you come watch the movie with us?" I patted the spot next to me. He gulped but nonetheless sat next to me.

Time continued to tick and we had already watched two movies. "Sorry Aloe but I told my mom I would make it in time for dinner" Roshaun patted Alvaro's shoulder and left. "Me too" Robert frowned with sympathy and followed Roshaun out the door. Mateo also got up. "I'm sorry man.. I got family coming over and I'll get the shit beaten out of me if I'm not there when they come"

My heart aches for Alvaro. His frown seemed to get deeper every time someone left. "Cheer up man! It's okay! Mattia and I won't leave! He lives a few houses down and I told my mom I was gonna spend the night at his... so we can stay for as long as possible" Kairi spoke a little too enthusiastically.

It began to get darker and the balloons seemed to lose air and droop while we waited. "Where the hell is he?" Kairi whispered to me. I rubbed my eyes and shrugged. Alvaro looked absolutely drained.

"Alvaro I'm not taking no for an answer. You need to go home and rest" I got up and reached my hand out to help him up. He was about to refuse but he knew I was right. "Okay.. but can you give this to him for me?" He handed me an envelope which contained a card. I wasn't the emotional type but this really upset me.

11:23 pm

My arm hung off of Kairi's shoulder while he slept. Everyone was gone and I was still waiting for that bastard to get here.

The doorknob from the front door finally began to twist. Alejandro walked in with a girl beside him. His arm lazily wrapped around her waist while he laughed.

I quickly shook Kairi awake and made my way towards Ale, popping balloons under my feet with almost every step. "You have some nerve" I said between gritted teeth. "I'm gonna go" the girl said and walked away.

Third person

Alejandro had come home so late because he went to the party after all. He figured, what harm could be done?

To say Mattia was infuriated would be an understatement. "I was going to yell at you but I'm not going to waste my time on you. Too bad Alvaro did." Mattia shoved the envelope onto Alejandro's chest. "Kairi?" Alejandro hoped the boy would try to understand him but he looked down and left with Mattia.

Alejandro began to look around the house, noticing the decorations everywhere. When he walked into the dining area, a smile grew on his face. Different kinds of foods and desserts were scattered on the table. His smile began to fade and his eyebrows began to furrow when he realized his friends did this all for him.

He then looked down at the envelope he held and aggressively tore it open. Money fell from the inside but that's not what he cared about. On the cover of the card was a collage of pictures of him and his friends. On the left side of the inside was a picture of Alvaro and him. The right side had a short paragraph.

Happy birthday Alejandro! I know you've been sad lately but I hope I can cheer you up.. this isn't much but it's the only thing I can really do. First off, congratulations on living another year! You did it! Things may not always go as planned but you always figure out in the end I guess. Second, thanks for being one of my best friends. This might be cringey but you've helped me so much throughout the years and I can't thank you enough. I don't know what I'd do without you. I hate you but I love you >:( ♡︎. I hope we stay friends for a long time. Thanks for always knowing what to say bitch. Stop being a simp too. Okay I got a little off topic there but anywayssss.. just know I will always be by your side and nothing could ever change that. This might sound weird but I love you in a way that words couldn't even begin to explain... I would die for you Ale. Okay less weird now: don't eat too much fatass but still enjoy yourself. I hope all your wishes come true. I know mine did when I saw you for the first time
~ Love, yours truly, Alvaro.

The guilt weighed on Alejandro's shoulders. Tears fell down his face. He felt like such a dirty liar. He felt like a monster. How could he let his friends down like this? He never thought he could stoop so low. Deep down, he knew what Alvaro was talking about and he knew he felt the same. The only thing getting in the way was his ego. He loved Alvaro more than anything but he would never admit it. He wanted to treat Alvaro like royalty but he knew that he simply couldn't because of how ignorant he truly was.

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