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Prom sounds amazing. It really does.. but it's not my thing. Sure the decorations are great and all but it's overrated.

My friend group insisted that we all go as each other's dates but, unsurprisingly, we all went our separate ways. The best thing about prom is seeing everyone's outfits and wishing you had what they did. Well.. it's more sad than fun but it is was it is and that's exactly what I did.

Mattia tried talking to girls with Kairi as his wingman but all that did was make people think that they were gay and dating. Robert, Roshaun, and Mateo were mostly stealing snacks and giving each other dares. Alejandro was constantly requesting songs because he was so bored.

To say the least, it was disappointing for boys that are supposed to graduate from high school this year.

What really baffles me is that none of us are ready to grow up. Kairi can't stand being alone, Mateo doesn't have the best social skills, Roshaun has the most childish sense of humor, Robert can be overly sensitive, Mattia has terrible trust issues, Alejandro stutters when he gets nervous (which happens a lot), and I'm gullible. All these things don't work good together yet, here we are.

"Hi" a familiar voice spoke. A firm grip was held on my shoulder when I turned to see Alejandro sitting next to me. "Oh hi" I awkwardly smiled. Most people haven't noticed, but I've liked Alejandro for quite some time now.

The tension slowly started to build up while my face began to flush red. "A-anyways.. w-wanna get some fr-fresh air?" He squeezed my shoulder. I scrunched my nose and pushed his hand off. "Ouch.. but yeah sure" I began to rub my shoulder where I was sure that a bruise would appear.

He put his hand over mine and gently started to rub some of my shoulder and back. "I-I'm sorry I di-didn't know I applied that much p-pressure" I grinned in response to his stuttering apology.

In a matter of minutes, we reached the entrance. "Sorry guys but you have to choose, in or out? We can't let you go back and fourth" the security guard spoke. Alejandro looked at me for confirmation. I nodded my head and so he nodded his toward the guard who then opened the door.

"Wanna take a ride?" He grinned from ear to ear and motioned at his car. "I thought you would have never asked" I tried to play it off as cool but on the inside, I was jumping and squealing like a five year old girl who's paying her first visit to Disneyland.

His car was not very new but it was in great condition. I took a seat on the passenger side and peered through the rear view mirror. "What's that for?" I noticed balloons filling the backseat of the car. His face and ears grew red.

"I-I may or may n-not have pl-planned this out" he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "That's sweet.. but it still doesn't answer my question"

The car started and we began to leave the venue. "That's for me to know and for you to find out" he harshly hit the gas, making me sit back. "Holy shit" I gasped in awe. The city lights flashed by. It was beautiful.

We reached a mountain top and that's where we stopped. Alejandro handed me a sharpie. He turned his body to face me and I did the same. He grabbed a balloon for each of us and smiled.

"O-okay this m-might sound stupid b-but-" I grabbed his hands and held them in my lap. "Calm down. It's just me. You don't have to worry" I reassured him. He gulped and took a deep breath. "O-okay. Sorry! I'll stop.. so uhm just write any thoughts, dreams, or feelings you have on the balloons and I'll tell you the rest later"

I nodded and let go of his hands so we could both write.

After every balloon had something written on it, he began to drive again. "Are you ready?" I unsurely nodded. He gently grabbed one of my hands, softly kissing it. My heart rate sped up and I could feel my eyes glowing.

"Whenever you're ready, flip that switch" he pointed to the middle console. Once again, he sped up. I instinctively squeezed his hand and flipped the switch.

I didn't know what to expect but I smiled when the sunroof opened. The balloons flew into the air sporadically. It was amazing to say the least.

Ik the song didn't end shhhh

More updates soon... I was gonna spam over eight chapters but I was like nahhh that's gonna take too long to write

Also I think I might discontinue daybreak because it doesn't get many reads...


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