Quarantine edition😎

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Quarantine has officially pissed me off. I'm tired of seeing the same faces every day. I hate having to wait in line to get into stores because of the exceeding of the maximum occupancy and wearing a mask everywhere I go. There's never anything to do at home and I've already tried doing everything I can.

Today is the day I finally get to see my friends. Sure the virus was still spreading but we had all been quarantined and we all got tested, the results coming back negative. There's no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to see each other again. We've already been away from each other for two months! That's long enough.

I got dressed and made my way to Mattia's house. "Kairi!" He screamed before embracing me in a tight hug. "Missed you too" I pushed him away since he squeezed me so hard. "Right, sorry" he backed up and led me to the basement aka his room.

"Okay so my mom only thinks I'm going to see you today so we have to lock the door and leave a baby monitor in here. If she calls us then we'll know to come back" I nodded and walked up to the small window. "You expect all this cake to fit through there?" I posed with my butt stuck out. "Ew stop breaking your back and be natural like me" I fake gagged and began to climb through the window. He followed behind and led us to an abandoned looking park.

Third person

Alejandro, Alvaro, Roshaun, Mateo, and Robert sat on a blanket underneath it with bright smiles on their faces. "Oh my god hi Kairi!" Alvaro waved, causing everyone's attention to turn to the short boy. There was a small radio above them that played quiet music. Both Mattia and Kairi joined the group and greeted each other.

The group caught up on each other's lives even though there wasn't much that happened in the past few months. They were just happy to be around each other again, even if they had nothing to talk about.

"Soooo anyone down to play truth or dare?" Alejandro said with a mischievous smile on his face. Everyone agreed except Kairi. He knew what his friend was trying to do. Alejandro always talked about how Kairi and Mattia should date but they never agreed.

"Alrighty then! I'll go first! Mattia, truth or dare?" He rubbed his hands together since Mattia would never back out of a dare. "You already know" Kairi could already feel the redness of his cheeks becoming more prominent.

The game seemed to get more interesting to everyone but Kairi. "I dare you to kiss Kairi" everyone laughed while Mattia shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry but I need consent from short stack over here and, judging by his face, I don't think he wants that" everyone laughed even louder and pointed at Kairi. He only huffed and crossed his arms.

Mattia made fun of the boy by making kissing noises. "Shut up! You're just mad that I don't wanna feel your crusty lips all over me!" He got up and stormed away. It wasn't a big deal to him in the beginning but something inside of him just changed.


Robert approached me with the radio in his hand. "It's alright Kai! They were just messing around" he ruffled my hair, causing my nose to scrunch up. "This was supposed to be fun but they're acting like weenies" I jutted out my bottom lip.

PLAY SONG (0:54)

He ignored my bad mood, turned on the radio, and held his hand out. "May I have this dance?" I internally laughed at his stupidity but nonetheless grabbed his hand. He spun me around and forcefully put my hands around his neck while he rested his on my waist.

Eventually I relaxed and leaned my head against his chest, just swaying side to side. I could faintly hear his heart beat. The moment felt so calm and real.

My train of thought was interrupted when footsteps approached us, the dirt crunching from underneath the person's feet. "Can I steal him from you for a bit?" I recognized the voice of Mattia.

Robert gently pushed me off of him and gave my hand to Mattia. And just like with Robert, my hands wrapped around his neck and his rested on my waist.

"You don't like Robert, do you?" He squeezed my sides harshly. "What? No he's my best friend! Also watch those hands buddy" I glared at him and made sure there was distance between us. "Okay but-" he began to ramble again before I cut him off. "Can you stop over-analyzing everything for once and just dance with me?!"

He stopped talking and pulled me closer. I hesitantly rested my head on his chest and listened for his heartbeat. His was much faster than Robert's.

"You homos better stay six feet apart!" Roshaun attempted to impersonate an old lady. I turned away so no one could see the blush that spread across my cheeks. I noticed Mattia flipped him off when his hand left my waist for a few seconds. 

Everything felt like a dream. Even my feelings toward Mattia. I never realized that I liked him until this moment, us dancing with our friends watching and cracking jokes.

There was a tap on my shoulder so I lifted my head up a little bit. "Want to know a secret? I think I like you" Mattia whispered in my ear. He placed a small kiss on my cheek when I tried to avoid his gaze. "I thought you didn't want my 'crusty' lips all over you" his voice comforted me even though he was the one to embarrass me.

He let go of my waist and grabbed my hand, dragging me somewhere.

"Ew I did not come here to see you two be all lovey dovey" Mateo pretended to gag.

My hand finally dropped down to my side when we ended up in front of a tree. He motioned for me to climb up so I did, him following not too far below me. We ended up sitting on a branch and swinging our legs back and forth.

I could tell that Mattia was thinking because he constantly tapped his fingers. "Weird question uhm.... can I kiss you?" He seemed genuine when he asked. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed his face, roughly giving him a wet kiss on the lips. "That's gross never do that again" he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Can I have a real kith now?" He pouted with his arms crossed. "Fine" and so I kissed him. This time it was slower and more heartfelt. "Is it too soon to say that I love you?" He said after pulling away. "I hope not because I love you too"

Das it ogey bye bye now

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