The love club

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Also based on song lyrics again uh ha ha


There's a lot of people part of the love club... or at least that's what I like to call it.

Life is much to complicated for anyone to really comprehend and high school made it so much worse for so many dudes. You used to be able to brush off the stinging pain and salty taste of blood but now it's different. You don't get pushed or punched when you're messing with your friends or win a game. You get punched by older brother's for rejecting their younger sister.

When you get bullied and called names, the effects last longer and they stick with you. It repeats in your head. You can't tell your mom anymore because, of course she'll give you unconditional love but, does it really make all the hurt go away?

People take pills and do drugs to cope, girls fight over boys and who's a better friend.

If you're part of "the love club" you avoid relationships. There isn't as much drama that way. Only dudes are in it... well to me they are. I'm the only one who calls it a club.

The love club assures that, no matter what, you'll have a friend by your side because they don't have a distraction to keep them from that.

"Hey Kairi" an all too familiar voice said.

The only bad thing is. Crushes still exist. The closer they are, the lonelier it feels knowing all you'll be is friends.

"Hey Mattia" I said continuing to walk, splashing water with each step because of the puddles on the ground. Rain had been pouring all day so most roads were flooded and my parents didn't have time to pick me up.

"You shouldn't be walking. It's too cold you know and your house is pretty far" he said, now walking beside me and trying to keep up with my pace. I may have short legs but the less distance, the more steps.

"Yeah well your house is about the same distance and there's nowhere else to go so" I shrugged.

"Well there's one other place" he said smiling. I gave him a confused look but he just grabbed my backpack and dragged me in the opposite direction of my house.

"Mattia" I whined, dragging out his name, "Stop being annoying and making me waste time" I groaned.

I looked around and it all started to come back.

Middle school.

It was an old greenhouse near the woods. The outside covered in vines and the inside full of flowers and other exotic looking plants.

I remember always telling my mom how my day was and what we did here but as I got older, I distanced myself. My dad was never really around because he always had work but she was there with me all the time. I miss it. But it's my fault.

"Remember this? We always spent our time here until-"

"The love club" I whispered to myself but loud enough for him to hear.

"The love what?" He asked giving me a weird look.

"The love club... you're in it too you just didn't really know" I said awkwardly realizing how stupid it sounded.

He rose a questioning eyebrow as he started to admire the greenery around us.

"The love club is all the dudes that aren't dating any girls to stay out of drama.. I may or may not have made it up in my head"

"So if they're gay or something then they're not part of it or...?"

"No no no! I mean any dude in general not dating anyone at all sorry"

"So you made up a club in your head to feel less lonely?"

"Well... kind of-"

He nodded his head and wandered around, looking at anything but me. He even poked himself with something and didn't say anything.

"Why are you-"

"So why did you reject anyone who asked you out if you're lonely? That doesn't make sense" he said annoyingly cutting me off.

"Because they're not the person I want to date" I said like it were obvious.

"Fair answer... so don't you think it'd be a good idea to shoot your shot?"

"I rather be a part of the love club"

"Good luck with that lover boy"

So at first I really liked this idea and now I don't but I hope you do

I didn't know how to end it sorry

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