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Part two to Team :,)


Mattia left to 'take care of some business'. I mostly just sat down and looked around while he was gone but I was relieved when he finally came back. I was still paranoid.

"I need you stay calm, okay? I spoke with some friends of mine and we decided that we need to take you in to the circle. I need you to abide by these rules when you get there. One, don't stare at anything different about their appearance. It's what's special about them and it's very rude if you do. Two, don't let them boss you around. It's almost like they're testing you to see if you're independent. If you disagree with something, speak up about it. Three, don't feel intimidated. They will see the fear right through you. Fear is like being judgmental" he said rather quickly. I blinked a few times with my mouth open, ready to speak but no words coming out.

He pushed my chin up to close my mouth and smiled. "Alright lover boy calm down. On another note.. my friends may or may not be outside waiting. I don't want you to ask them weird questions so I'll answer one I know that'll be coming. Yes they are dating" he grinned. He whistled a tune I had never heard before and the two boys walked in. One of them was much shorter than the other and he looked about my height.

"The short one is Alvaro and the taller one is Alejandro" Mattia looked between the pair and I. Both boys were glaring at me which gave me an unsettling feeling. "Guys leave him alone. He's a little shaken up right now since I kind of threatened him before he got to talk to me" Mattia said sheepishly.

"Okay whatever. Listen here kid. The people out there are scary. They're heathens. A tip, don't look anyone in the eyes. Only look inner circle people in the eyes because it shows courage. I don't think big boy over here told you yet but he's going to have to be rough with you. He might even scare you a bit but it's what has to be done. Alvaro and I are going to help negotiate your fate. You have to act like you don't know any of us because they will take it as bias if you do and they will determine your fate" The boy called Alejandro said.

I turned to Mattia who had his head hung low. "Hey what's wrong?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "Kairi I need you to understand that I'm not going to be nice. I don't act nice around people I don't like which includes wanderers. You're one of them. Just please try to remember that I don't mean anything that I'm going to do" he rubbed his eyes. I nodded slowly as my only response. I was scared of what to expect.

Mattia nodded towards the boys, letting them know that they should get going. Alvaro quickly walked up to Mattia and pecked his cheek, Mattia doing the same in return.

After they were completely gone, silence filled the air. It was a bit awkward so I began to bounce my leg up and down. "That was... weird" I swallowed hard. Of course I know that Alvaro is dating Alejandro but I thought it was out of the ordinary to kiss his cheek. "Oh it's just our thing since he's like the baby of the trio" he shrugged.

Silence filled the air once again. I was about to stand up until Mattia pushed me down so my back was on the couch. He then smashed his lips against mine, keeping me pinned down. My face flushed red and my eyes stayed wide open. I gripped his shoulders, pushing him away. "Wh-what are you d-doing?" I forced out. "Might not be able to do that later so might as well do it now. Let's get going" he stood up and walked outside.

I followed quickly behind him. Now all I felt was embarrassment around him. He kissed me and I didn't even kiss back. "Turn around" he instructed. When I did he tightly tied a rope around my wrists. He then gripped my forearm with a lot of force and began to lead me somewhere.

The awkward tension was eating me up. "Mattia, stop for a second" I pleaded. He looked at me expectantly. "Can we redo what happened at your place? I messed up and-" he cut me off by placing his hand on my face and kissing me. This time I closed my eyes and actually kissed back.

Everything went by too quickly because, before I knew it, he was pushing me into the center of a group of people. I could see the sympathetic look in his eyes but he kept a straight face and walked away.

Although I knew all the rules Mattia told me to follow, I was going to abide by them a bit differently. I couldn't help but look at the precious rubies across the women's faces and necks. "You're all beautiful" I said in awe. "And no, I'm not staring at you. I'm admiring. It's different" I said, proud of my loophole.

"Why are you here?" One of them asked. I began to twiddle my fingers but I still managed to look a tad bit confident. "I've come from the other side.. they want to take everything you have" I trailed off. They all seemed to whisper amongst themselves about me.

Soon I noticed Alvaro and Alejandro step in. "He is a wanderer but he's young. He doesn't even look like he could hurt a fly. In fact, a fly could probably hurt him. The most we should do is take him to the dungeon and teach him how to earn respect around here" Alejandro began. I'm starting to think he doesn't like me.

"Nonsense!" She yelled out. Mattia made his way over to me and roughly grabbed my arm. I'm not exaggerating when I say it hurt. Badly. He began to drag me away until the lady held her hand up. "Release the boy" she spoke with her booming voice. "Stop grabbing me like that. It hurts" I said through gritted teeth to Mattia. It was quiet enough for only him to hear. Hurt flashed through his eyes before he pushed me to the ground. I knew he didn't mean it but I also knew there was going to be bruises that I did not want but they were forming.

"Miss, just hear us out!" Alvaro started to sound a bit worried. Even Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows. "Can you lunatics let me finish? I was going to say that I think he may be one of us" she smiled. Everyone clapped and cheered. I guess this didn't happen often.

Mattia then untied then rope from wrists. I immediately turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and embracing him in a hug. "I know you didn't mean it. I'm sorry for being mean" I whispered to him.

"Ha! I knew it! You all knew each other already!" The lady said while pointing at us.

"Wait but how do you know he's one of us?" Alejandro raised a brow. She smiled and took a sip from her glass of water. "His eyes. They change like ours. His have a tint of purple like mine."

I wrote this last night but I didn't know what to put for the ending so that's why it's a little late. I actually kinda like this one.

n e wayz happy late birthday Robert🥳! Idc what anyone says you're absolutely adorable and I love your smile🥺. You deserve the world with your somewhat wholesome vibes🤲🌍. I hope all your wishes come true and you have a good day. Wuv you and your curly hair❤️

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