Comfort crowd

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You guys needa lmk if you want more Alevaro because idk and most people just request Mairi😭

Also you guys are weird because whenever I update a lot, I get no reads. But when I take forever to update everyone wants to read-

n e wayz ⚠︎︎suicide mentions⚠︎︎ (start song here)


I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling the ends. My parents weren't at a very good place right now. They were arguing again and Emiliano was scared. I ended up dropping him off at Kairi's house since it was walking distance and Emiliano liked him and Maiya.

My room was on the second floor but they were arguing in the living room. Anything in there echoes. Soon enough, I heard glass being shattered. I quickly ran downstairs and saw my with her hands on her hips and my dad crumpling to the ground. She didn't hit him, no. She broke a gift that Emiliano had given him for Father's Day. "You are no kind of father and you don't deserve anything for supposedly being one. Get out and only come back when you can actually do something for this family." He left. I knew he would come back. Just not today. "I need a drink I'll be back later" she grabbed her purse and walked out the front door.

I was sick and tired of this always happening. Why me? The worse part is, somehow, I always end up alone. Maybe because that's all I'll ever be.

Tears streamed down my face. At least no one can see me like this. There's never anyone around. I just want someone to talk to. I just need him here.

The thought left my mind when I saw a photo. It was of my so called 'family' together. We were all smiling. I picked it up and threw it against the ground, stepping on it afterwards.

A beep from my phone took me out of my daze. I didn't even hear my phone ring. "Hey it's Alvaro. Kairi told me what happened and I just wanted to see if you were okay. Call me please" his voice calmed me down.

I took deep breaths and sat in a corner with my phone. I dialed his number and held my phone up to my ear. "Hello?" "Hi um can you come over? We can do anything you want. Please just come." My voice was hoarse. "On my way" was all he said before hanging up.

He and I weren't talking as of right now because of a situation that happened at school. He was mad at me for ditching the only class I had with him, smoking in the bathroom during that time, and getting caught. I guess it made sense but I was stressed.


I walked into his house since it was already unlocked. Sure I was still upset with him but he worries me a lot of the time.

When I walked into the living room there were pieces of broken glass scattered on the floor. Alejandro was sitting on the floor taking shallow breaths. I knew this was how he tried to calm himself. Right now it didn't seem to be working.

"Hey bubs" my words came out quietly as I sat next to him. He leaned his head against my shoulder. Tears started to fall quicker down his face.

An inaudible whisper escaped his mouth while he stared blankly at the ground. "What'd you say?" He sat up straight and looked me in the eyes. "I can't do it anymore. No one loves me enough to ever stick around. All I want is company and for my friends to tell me it's going to be okay when I know it fucking won't be!" He yelled. I inched away from him. "Stop talking like that. You're scaring me Ale-" he cut me off before I could finish "I'm scaring you?! I scare myself! I don't want to die Alvaro! I just don't want to live this life anymore! All this life gave was broken pieces that I can't put together!"

I stood up and bent down to mindlessly pick up the shards of glass from the ground. "What the hell are you doing?" He groaned. I grabbed his hands and placed the glass in them. "You can't put it together alone but I can help you and I will. As long as I'm around, you'll never be alone"

We threw away every piece of glass and cleaned it all up by hand. By the end of it all, we both had cuts on our hands that oozed red blood.

I held his hand as I bandaged it. "There will be cuts and bruises along the way but I'll be here to tend to them. There will be tears shed but I'll be here to wipe them away. There will be times where you feel down but I'll be here to build you back up. I'm sorry to say this but you can't get rid of me."

"You forgot one" he spoke. I looked up at him when a smile began to grow on his face. "And what might that be?" I rose an eyebrow. "There will always be hate thrown your way but I will be there to show you the love and affection you deserve." With those words said, he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

After, he pulled away for a split second only to embrace me in a hug. "Thank you Aloe. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to." His chin rested on my head and his voice broke. "I know you didn't."

Third person

The two boys laid sound asleep on Alejandro's bed. His leg was swung over the shorter boy's and his arms were wrapped around his waist and chest.

Even though they were sleeping, smiles were visibly spread across their faces.

Before Alejandro had drifted off to sleep, there was only one thought on his mind. That thought being the only reason why he wanted to live but also a reason to want another life.

Alvaro. He was his source of happiness but that small part that wanted it to be over was thinking about his feelings not being reciprocated.

Now he finally knew the truth. The truth being that he would live and die for him because he loved him.

I didn't like the ending but ogey.

n e wayz next imma write another one-shot and after that imma write a part two to daybreak IF you're still interested in it.

It's kinda a spam type beat today

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