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(Mairi) also sorry but I keep doing a lot of POV switching


Third person

Kairi's parents passed away in a tragic car accident a few years ago. Alejandro's parents and them were close so they took in Kairi and his little sister. Alejandro's best friend, Mattia, recently died of a heart attack in his sleep.

The waisan boy woke up with a jolt. "Why do I see you?" He sighed, laying back down and looking beside him. In anyone else's eyes, no one was there. "You tell me"


One of his hands rested on his stomach while the other rested near my head. "Why don't I see my parents?" I kept my gaze on him while he began to turn his head toward me. "I don't know Kairi. I would do anything to talk to my friends and family... I didn't know I was going to die, let alone only be able to talk to you" I cringed at his words.

"I can see them.. they just can't see me. I hardly even know you. I only know you as my best friend's little brother" he sat up, the bed not shifting in the slightest. "And you're just my brother's friend"

We both stared at the ceiling. "You're lonely and you mourn me" he spoke and laughed nonchalantly.

Third person

Kairi scoffed, not knowing how to respond to the supernatural boy sitting next to him. "Can I touch you? Not in the inappropriate way.. but can I physically touch you? Do you think it will work?" Mattia wondered what the boundaries were between the two.

The shorter boy lifted up his hand. He held it in the air, waiting for Mattia to react.

Without hesitation, Mattia reached out, attempting to lace their fingers together. The two sat there in shock when his hand didn't fall through. "It worked" they both said in unison. They were stunned but, as the excitement started to fade, they realized they were holding hands.

Mattia pulled away before wiping his hand on his pants while Kairi just awkwardly ran his hand through his hair.

"So what do we do now? I think I might go back to sleep" Kairi yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Noooo! Why don't we do something fun?" Mattia ended up getting up. Even though he didn't have to, he opened the door like any normal person. He didn't want reality to set in and really feel dead.

Kairi followed Mattia until they were outside. "Can you agree to do anything? Everything is closed at this hour so it'll be fun and I don't know if I'll ever get to speak to you again.. I am dead after all" the Italian boy trailed off and looked at Kairi expectantly. He sympathized for the boy and Mattia was right when he said that Kairi mourned him. What's the harm anyways? "Fine."


After a lot of walking, we arrived at the mall. The lights were on outside but the inside was pitch black. Mattia didn't like the idea of it but he went through crevices in the walls to open the doors.

"Mattia? I can't see anything" I looked around cluelessly. A hand grabbed mine. "I swear to god Mattia you better say something or else I'm kicking you!" We stopped walking and he let go of my hand. "Who else would I be? I'm the only one who can see in this place!" He whispered loudly, pushing me back by my shoulders. I ended up losing balance and hitting the ground.

"Ow! You bitch!" He grabbed my hands without warning and pulled me up. "Sorry but I thought you were a pedophile or something"

We continued our walk in the dark until we stopped in front of a store. "Okay so we can't turn on all the lights or else people will know that we're inside and, since they can only see you, you'll get the fall. But we can turn on one light in one store at a time" he said before going into the store.

He unlocked it for me. "Where are we?" I searched for a light switch. Mattia ended up finding it before me, flipping on the lights.

"Oh hell no" I attempted to walk out. "Wait! Please? Why can't you let me have one single laugh?" He stood in front of me with a pout. "Fine.. but only because you're dead"

A few moments later

I walked to the changing rooms to try on what Mattia chose. Normally, I don't wear dresses so it was a struggle to pull the dress past my thighs. "Can we just get this over with?" I began to grow impatient since I needed him to zip up the back. "Y-you can come out"

When I walked out Mattia stood there, covering his eyes like an idiot. His face was red and he looked nervous. "What are you doing and why?" He ignored my question and kept his eyes covered. "So you need me to zip that up, right?" I was confused since he hadn't opened his eyes yet. "How did you know? You literally haven't even seen me yet" his face reddened even more.

"Promise not to get mad?" I agreed and urged him on. "S-so I can see through walls and I forgot when I happened to be in front of your dressing room.." my eyes widened and I slapped his arm. "Ew you pervert! You still sat there and waited until I was done changing?!" He uncovered his face and sheepishly smiled, leaning back and forth on the heels of his shoes.

"You should still get the dress"

Might make a part two since ThE nIgHt Is StIlL yOuNg

Basically Kairi didn't know Mattia very well but he saw his "ghost" after he died. Mattia and Kairi were both confused on how Kairi was the only one who could see and talk to him. They decided to make the most out of the time they had together because, at sunrise, Mattia would be gone.

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