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Start song where it says Kairi and uhh sorry there's going to be a lot of POV switching

This is a request and that's the song I chose to go with the story ^^

Request from @mairiandalevaro


I dribbled the ball between my feet until someone from the other team started to get too close. "Come on Consentino. You know you can't beat me" he said between breaths. I really hated this guy because he was right. Last time we lost because he stole the ball from me.

He began to get closer so I looked around. I needed to pass it. "You're right. I can't beat you. But he can" I smiled and kicked the ball towards Mattia. He swiftly made it passed defense and scored, winning the game.

I ran towards him and hugged him. He slightly picked me up and spun me around. I couldn't help but lean in to peck his cheek. He turned and I ended up planting a kiss on his lips. My eyes went wide and he let me go.

"It's not a big deal.. it was just a bro thing my guy" I said awkwardly. He nodded, agreeing with me. I opened my mouth to say something again but he was lifted up onto Alejandro's and Pinto's shoulders. They all cheered and chanted his name.


The crowd led me all the way to the locker rooms where they put me down. I'm happy. I really am but a part of me felt off. That part of me just dragged my whole mood down. The worse part is I don't know what's wrong.

A locker slammed shut loudly behind me. I turned around to look toward where the noise came from and saw Kairi walking away from his locker. I took off my shirt uniform and put on the t-shirt I had in my locker.

I jogged in his direction and caught up to him. "You good Kairi?" I said as I put my arm around his shoulders. "I'm fine." He pushed my arm off and walked away. "Wait up Kairi! I need to change!" I ran back to my locker and quickly got dressed.

When all my things were gathered I made my way to his locker. He shoved books in it and walked to one of his classes. It was after school obviously but today was Monday. Monday's were when all the extracurriculars were held. I knew Kairi had a drama club meeting.

He continued to walk to the classroom but stopped when he was about to open the door. "I like you" he said and walked inside. My jaw dropped. I couldn't say anything because he had already made it inside.

"Well would you look at that" I heard a voice from behind me. I noticed that he was the guy that always intimidated Kairi. The soccer player that always targeted him.

"What do you want Josh?" I rolled my eyes at him. This kid really got on my nerves. "Look what I found" he held up his phone to my face. It was a video that showed me hugging Kairi and then the accidental kiss we shared. "It would be a shame if everyone were to see it, don't you think? Just one click away from being posted on Instagram for the world to see" he said with a disgusting smile on his stupid face.

I swung my right fist at him and hit him right in the jaw. He blinked slowly and stepped back. He lunged at me and tackled me to the ground.


A lot of noise came from outside the classroom. It confused me at first but then I started to hear people chanting 'fight'. Oh no.

I walked out to see a crowd blocking everything. The crowd was fairly large but I managed to push myself to the middle. It was easier since I had a small frame.

In the middle of the chaos was Mattia on top of Josh. He continued to punch his face even though he already seemed to be passed out. It was honestly scary. He almost looked lifeless. "Mattia stop!" I yelled. I grabbed him by his shoulders but he wouldn't budge. My only option left was to wrap my arm tightly around his neck and pull him away. He coughed when I let go since he resisted for so long. "What the fuck" was all he could say until he and Josh were dragged away by teachers.

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