*insert chapter title*

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Ik I said the king was next but I wanted to write this one first. I also removed some of the one shots that I didn't like since I didn't really know how to write one shots very well. Now I think I can :)


I shoved my phone in Alejandro's hands. "He's fucking adorable you can't deny it" he shrugged his shoulders and handed back my phone. "Why are you obsessing over this guy again?" I put my hand on my chest and gasped. "Okay first of all he's not 'some guy'. His name is Kairi and he's really famous. He's in New Jersey for the entire week!"

He lightly slapped my face and smiled. "Keep dreaming buddy" I rolled my eyes at him but redirected my attention when the bell from the door to the coffee shop we were in rang.

Someone in a baseball cap and sunglasses walked in wearing a puffy jacket. "Talk about sus" I snorted. My laugh faded away when the person stuck their middle finger up at me. "Do we have a problem?" I stood up in front of the short figure. Alejandro tried to push me away but I ignored his protests. "I don't know, do we? Because if we do I have my security guards on speed dial" the person tucked their glasses and hat into their pocket.

"No fucking way" my eyes lit up when I noticed it was "Oh my god Kairi I'm such a big fan! I'm so fucking sorry I didn't know it was you" I shook with excitement. His frown quickly turned into a smile within seconds. "Thanks.. nice to meet you" he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

My jaw dropped and I reached out to shake his hand. "Alejandro I'm literally touching his fucking hand I'm going to die" I whispered to Alejandro who started to record everything. I guess I said it pretty loud because Kairi giggled. "Oh my god you're so cute" I couldn't stop admiring him. "Th-thanks. You're not too bad yourself" he walked up to the counter, past me so he could order.

Alejandro and I went back to our table, both of us with satisfied smiles on our faces. I couldn't stop blushing and he couldn't stop making fun of me.

"You guys mind if I sit here?" I looked beside me and saw Kairi AGAIN. I guess I was sitting with wide eyes for too long because Alejandro started to wave his hands in my face. "Sorry! Yeah of course!" I slid to the end of the booth. He sat next to me but he looked kind of nervous.

I looked at Alejandro for help with a conversation but instead he stood up. "I gotta go to the restroom" he announced before walking away.

"So what brings you here?" He looked at me through his hair that covered his eyes. "Oh I live here. Why'd you come to Jersey? It's kinda boring here" I sipped my coffee anxiously.

Talking to famous people is hard and scary.

"Oh well I'm actually thinking about moving up here! It's pretty nice" he admired the small shop. "This is a little random but which movie have you seen with me in it?" My face flushed red. I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Honestly... not one. I've just seen your interviews and I thought you were funny and sweet... I also follow your Instagram and I like the way you talk to people. You're also really pretty and your style and feed is really cool" I avoided his gaze.

"So what you're telling me you're not a fan?" I expected him to laugh but he was genuinely asking. "Not exactly..." I covered my face with my hands. "You genuinely like me as a person then? That's a first" he scoffed.

I peeked through my fingers and noticed he was smiling. "Thanks for making my day... hopefully I'll see you around" he pecked my cheek, slipped a piece of paper in my hand, and walked out.

I touched my cheek where he kissed me and slowly started to smile. Then I smoothened out the paper.

𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗺𝗲 :)

My phone rang, Alejandro's contact popping up. "Alejandro I have so much to tell you!"

I like this one teehee

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