Chapter 1. New faces

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Just a disclaimer this fanfic will be taking place in the same timeline as the main story so there will be spoilers only in the anime and nothing past season three you have been warned! And I hope you enjoy! - Microwave with legs

It was late afternoon a few hours after the prestigious UA sports festival was aired. It was quiet in the hospital all that could be heard was quiet chatter and the sound of beeping from all the Machines. Everything was peaceful until running could be heard from the halls. Who was running you may ask? Well, it was none other than Tenya Iida himself, he was here to see his brother after a fateful accident caused by the hero killer Stain.

Tensei's hospital room door was slammed open as a worried Iida ran inside out of breath
"Brother I'm-.." before Iida could finish his sentence he was greeted by a weird sight, instead of seeing his brother lying in bed alone maybe with a nurse or two in the room he was sitting up happily chatting to a Person Iida had never seen before that Person was you.

You were slightly startled by what just happened but none less you give Iida a sweet smile as you introduce yourself "oh you must be Iida! It's a pleasure to meet you Tensei has told me quite a lot about you!" Iida was still confused as he slowly shut the door behind him "um hello...I don't mean to be rude but may I ask what relation do you have with my brother?.. I thought it was strictly only family allowed to visit him.." Iida slowly says as he sits down wiping off the sweat from his forehead.

Before you could answer Iida Tensei answered for you. "Well Y/N here is different...I'm sure mum told you what happened..and you know that I was on a mission trying to save someone that Stain had kidnapped most likely for bait..but Y/N here is that someone, and even with the wounds to Their arms they were kind enough to come and thank me and see how I was doing.." he says smiling softly Iida nods "well it's a pleasure to meet you too Y/N"

You smile as you get up from your seat "I should get going I don't want to ruin your time with your brother Tensei..thank you again..and Iida I'm sorry for the pain I caused." you say your goodbyes and slowly walk out. You were now walking down the street heading home when you hear someone call your name. "Y/N! Wait!" You turn around to see Iida running up to you holding what looked to be a phone in his hands.

"Y-you left this in the hospital room..and I was wondering could we exchange numbers so we can arrange to meet up at the same time again?.." Iida puffed out. "sure!" You say happily. And with that, you gave Iida your number and after saying your goodbyes you walk away happy that you made a new friend. What you didn't know is that you and this new friend would go through quite a lot together.

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