Chapter 2. The gift

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"Hay Iida are you there yet? I've just gotten to the hospital."

You send to Iida as you walk into the hospital, it was a week after you first met Iida and after you exchange numbers, the two of you would often text talking about the most random of things, but honestly, you enjoyed having someone to talk too.

"Yeah I'm already there I'll meet you in Tensei's room."

Iida reply's with a smile as he sits down next to his brother's hospital bed. A few minutes after Iida texted you, you slowly opened the door to the hospital room with a smile "hey guys!" You say cheerfully as you close the door behind you holding a small bag in your hand. "Morning Y/N!" Iida says pushing his glasses up. He had seen to grow used to you since the first time you met him, he seemed more open and kind but you weren't complaining.

After a few hours of chatting, you looked at your watch and sighed. "I'm sorry guys but I gotta was great seeing you two again..oh! I almost forgot.." you smile as you reach into your bag taking out a small gift and a container of cookies. "So the gift is for Tensei..and the two of you can share the cookies I guess...if you're able to Iida I understand that you're in the hero course and yeah.." you say handing Tensei the gift and Iida the cookies.

"But anyway I should get Going...I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.." you smile as you get up from your seat "how about you walk them home, Iida? It's getting late and you know how dangerous it can be.." Tensei says happily looking down at his gift "sure! Let's go Y/N!"

"It's so pretty outside isn't it?.." Iida asks walking next to you. "Yeah it is..." you say with a sigh as you cross the road "so will your parents be home Y/N?" Iida says looking at you with a smile "oh no no no..I live alone my father is dead..and I honestly don't know where my mother is.." you say with a sigh as you walk up to the door of your house.

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N..." "o-oh no it's fine!" You say smiling as you open up the door "before you go can I ask you one more thing Y/N?" "Sure!" You say happily "what did you get for Tensei?.." "o-oh...I gave him a drawing of himself and a thank you card..oh! And a bit of money even though I'm sure you guys don't need it...anyway I'll see you around Iida and hey I'll text you later okay? But I may be a bit busy tomorrow it's my first day at a new school!" Iida nods and gives you a small wave before walking off and yelling "bye Y/N!"

On Iida's walk back to the hospital he started to think about you "hmm..I wonder what school they're moving to..." he thinks to himself as he kicks a small rock "hm..I guess I'll just ask them next time I see them" but what Iida didn't know was that you would be seeing him sooner then you thought.

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