Chapter 3. New school

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It was the next day and it started as a normal day for Iida, waking up early and getting to school ten minutes before the bell even Rang. He walked through the halls smiling at his friends and making sure everyone was in check. As he walked into the classroom he was greeted by his friends and someone else, you.

You were standing at the front of the glass happily chatting to Mr. Aizawa who seemed to be enjoying the conversation. You turn around to see Iida, you give him a small wave "hi Iida!" He waves back about to say something but before he could the bell rang "okay everyone in your seats!" Iida yells, you laugh at his response.

"Okay you may be able to tell we have a new student they will introduce themselves now..take as long as you want.." Mr. Aizawa says seeming tired and bored you nod as you look at the class with a smile "hi! The names Y/N L/N! And Yeah I'm the new student anyway, my quirk is called "anything" cause um...I can have any quirk I want.." the class goes silent in confusion.

"O-okay let me explain...if I can think of a quirk and it exists I can use it...I can have that quirk for about an hour depending on how close the person is who has that quirk is to me. And if my body needs to adapt to the quirk it will. For example say I wanted to use um, Sero's quirk!" you say while pointing to the boy who looked confused about the fact that you knew who he was. "say I wanted to use his quirk my body would adapt so it could use it. the more I use my quirk without rest the weaker my powers get. and that's all I know about it as of now." The room was filled with gasps and whispers. After your introduction, you were told to sit down, before you could even have a chance to relax you were surrounded by people asking you questions about your quirk.

At the end of the day, you grabbed your things and say goodbye to your newly found friends as you start to walk home. "Y/N! Wait!" You turn around to see Iida running up to you "hay can I walk you home again?" He asks smiling happily. "Sure thing!" And with that you started to walk home "so why didn't you tell me you were going to join UA?.." he asks kicking a rock "eh it just didn't come to mind.."

Once the two of you got to your house you walk up to your door and looked at Iida. "Thanks for walking me home.." "it's fine Y/N it's no problem at all it's dangerous out here...but with a quirk like yours you don't need the help do you?" Iida says with a chuckle "eh..I wouldn't say so..anyway cya tomorrow Iida bye.." you say slightly sad as you walked inside "bye...I-I Um enjoyed the cookies you made Tensei and me!" Iida says slightly confused as he walks away.

As we walk home he slowly starts to mumble to himself "did I upset Y/N?..why did they seem so uncomfortable...why am I so worried?.." he brushes those thoughts away and keeps walking.

Okay, so I'm sorry that the quirk is a bit much but having this quirk will help with the storyline later! I promise anyway I hope you're enjoying the story so far! - Microwave with legs

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