Chapter 24. Surprise

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"Where is everyone?" Iida mumbles to himself as he walks through the dorm halls. Iida had just gotten back from visiting his parents for his birthday. at first, he was sad that you couldn't join him due to you being busy, but he soon got over it and enjoyed the Time he had with the ones he loved.

Iida. Walked into the dark silent common room wondering where everyone was. "Did they all go out without me?" He thinks to himself, but before he could go and find his friends the lights switched on showing a happy class 1-A surrounded by party decorations and gifts.


Everyone screams as Iida jumps slightly from the shock. "Is this for me?" He asks with a big smile on his face. "Of course it's for you!" Mina cheers making Iida's smile widen more. "Thank you all." He says trying his hardest not to tear up.

"Don't thank us," Sero says while placing his hands into his jacket pocket. "Thank Y/N she has been planning all this for weeks now, and before you ask she's in her room. She is still getting her gift ready for you." Iida nods and solely makes his way to your dorm.

"I hope he likes it.." You say while placing a sparkly bow on the gift for Iida. You were about to step outside when you heard a knock on the door. "C-come in." You say while fixing up your hair. Iida slowly steps in. "Oh, Iida hi! How were your parents?" You say struggling to hide the gift. Iida didn't respond he just picked you up and held you into a warm embrace. "Thank you so much Y/ truly are too good for this world..." "no need to thank me, let's just go enjoy the party alright?"

"I say it's about the present time!" You cheer happily as you and your friends sit around the birthday boy. "You guys seriously didn't need to get me anything," Iida says trying his hardest to hide his excitement. "Everyone needs presents," Kirishima says handing Iida a small gift box. "O-oh the sonic movie, thank you, Denki. Wait and is this engine cleaner?" Iida asks as the class starts laughing. "Yeah, how else do you clean your engines?" Denki asks seeming proud of himself.

"Okay, now for my gift." You sit next to Iida and hand him your gift. You sit nervously as he opens the present. "T-this is amazing Y/N, did you draw this?" Iida stares down at a drawing of the two of you on your first date. "Y-yeah I did! I hope you like it.." You give Iida a small smile but he quickly pulls you into a tight hug "I love it Y/N...thank you" you giggle as you wrap your arms around your boyfriend. The two of you were cut off by Mina yelling "okay I think its time to party!" The rest of the class agree and Jiro starts to play music.

"You look great today Y/N, but you always do," Iida had gone to get drinks and left you alone, Mineta took this as a chance to flirt with you. You look down at the shorter male in disgust. You watch as the boy's face turns pale in fear and runoff, you look behind you to see a frustrated Iida. "I'm gonna kill him one day.." Iida mumbles while he hands you his drink "it wouldn't be the first time you've tried to kill someone!" Todoroki yells from across the room making you laugh.

"Would you care to dance?" Iida asks holding his hand out, he was trying his hardest to seem like a gentleman. "God, you are so embarrassing." You say while grabbing your boyfriend's hand "well as your boyfriend it's my job to embarrass you." Iida chuckles while placing his hands on your hips and pulling you into dance.

"Thank you for today Y/N," Iida says while holding you close to him, the two of toy slowly danced around the room. "No need to thank me, you deserve the world Iida it's the least I could do." You smile making Iida's face flushed pink. "I love you Y/N" "I love you too Iida." The two of you stop dancing as Iida slowly places a hand on your cheek, he pulls you into a soft but passionate kiss. The room was soon filled with the sounds of people in awe and the faint "so cute" coming from the class. You slowly pull away from the kiss, your face almost as red as Kirishima's hair.

"Come on Iida, let's enjoy your birthday while it lasts okay?" Iida nods and the two you enjoy the rest of the night with your class, making sure to spend as much time with each other as you could.

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