Chapter 18. Nightmare

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"Wake up. I said, wake up!" Your eyes slowly open to see a frustrated Shigaraki. "Yes I'm awake..." you grumble while sitting up from your messy bed. "We've got work to do come on..." Shigaraki says as he walks out of your small room, you sigh as you stand up and follow.

"Seriously nothing yet?" The villain asks as you lay on a bench, your arms bound by cuffs. "Yes, nothing" you reply looking away from the crusty-lipped man "well-" "Yeah! I get it I have to tell you if I get a quirk or you'll kill me!" You scream cutting of Shigaraki. "Son of a bitch..." he says back.

Screams, screams were all that could be heard from the dark depths of the league of villains lab. Those screams were yours, everyday you were subject to extreme torture and experimentation all for the League to  create the ultimate weapon, someone with every quirk imaginable.

There were many rules, like no escaping or you die. And, tell us if you develop a quirk or you die. But you had a secret, not too long ago you had developed a quirk well many quirks to be exact but you didn't tell anyone about it. You were to busy planning your escape.

You see, when you first discovered your quirk you could only use them for a few moments before you would pass out. For the past week you had been training yourself to use enough quirks to escape. You entered your room with a sigh and a grunt as you feel the pain in your arms from all the needles you had to take.

It was time, you were excited to escape from the hell you called home. "Okay I should be able to use about two quirks before passing out." You mumble to yourself while stuffing every you needed into a bag. When you escaped you knew were you had to go, your mothers house which was abandoned when she sold you to the league.

With one last sigh it was time to begin. You started up Your quirk and thought of a teleportation power then without a second thought you were teleported into an ally close to the leagues hideout. You felt exhausted. "That took more out of me then expected" you say while wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"Oh and who is this?" You turn around in fear but before you could run you felt yourself be stabbed in the stomach. Blood fell to the floor as you screamed out in pain.

You shot up in fear sweat dripping from your forehead. You look around to see your UA dorm. You wipes the tears that were steadily flowing down your cheeks. "Shit..." you slowly step out of your dorm and walk down the long corridor of UA. Once you got to a certain someone's dorm room you knocked on the door still crying.

The door slowly opened and a half asleep Iida came out "Y/N you should be sleeping...wait what's wrong?" Iida says as he sees you crying "a-another nightmare..." you mumble while looking down to ashamed to look at your boyfriend. "Okay come with me" Iida softly grabbed your hand and guided you into the room.

You sat on Iida's bed as he turned the lamp on. He sat next to you and sighed "what did I tell you about wearing that to bed?" Iida says pointing at the necklace around your neck. "How can I not wear it? gave it to me.." you say while fiddling with the F/C gem on the necklace.

"You wanna sleep with me tonight?" Your boyfriend asks while softly wiping the tears from your eyes, you slowly nod while getting comfy under the covers of Iida's bed. Iida laid next to you and softly wrapped his arms around you. "Get some rest okay? I'll be here so don't worry your safe." You smile as you feel the warmth of Iida and slowly fall asleep.

I'm back! Sorry for making you all wait so long for a chapter I wasn't planning on continuing this book but due to high demand I shall be continuing it! I hope your just as excited to read what's coming up as much as I'm excited to write it! Cya in the next chapter! - Microwavewithlegs

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